วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Get Rich, Maintain Sanity - The Forex Market

By John Eather

There are few things as nail biting as dealing in the foreign exchange market. You can make a great deal of money very quickly, and you can lose a great deal even faster. If you are of a nervous disposition, then it is not the place for you. Even those with nerves made of steel can end up gibbering wrecks by trading in the FOREX, however here are a few guidelines that should help you to get rich and retain your sanity.

Do you want to trade in the foreign exchange market? Setting limits and deciding what you want to accomplish is where you must start. How much money do you want to make and how much are you willing to lose? Make sure that the risk is worth whatever the outcome may be. Once you find your center, stay with that pace and do not exceed it.

Being a good forex trader means staying calm. Do not let your emotions take over your good business sense. This is something that you must do to maintain your sanity. Use logic, analysis and statistical information to help you succeed. Be like a poker player by using your poker face and not showing your emotions and knowing the risk you are taking.

Of course, nobody succeeds all the time in the forex trading market. Nobody is perfect! Be aware that you will make mistakes as that is just the way it is. Using the guidlines in the following paragraphs can help you succeed and maintain your sanity.

First and foremost, decide how you want to accomplish your goals. Do not make the mistake of starting without some sort of plan in place. Even if this is not the right plan for you, it is a starting point and you must have a starting place.

What kind of plan do you need? First, start with where you will get your information. Next, decide who you can trust and who you cannot when it comes to finding the information you desire. You will need help to make these decisions. Find someone you can trust and learn from. Remember these initial goals.

Ok, now we have two very distinct ways of playing the forex market game. It seems like no one agrees on which way is better. There is the instinctual approach in trying to figure out how the market is moving based on past events, trends or politics using various mathematical programs to help you make decision. The other way of looking at this is from a purely statistical manner. You have to figure out which of these ways is right for you.

In summary, decide what your goals are, make a plan, decide which type of trader you are more comfortable being and go, go, go! Using just these outlined rules you may actually make some money and not be the blubbering idiot sitting in the corner. Don't forget, this is an exciting time, have fun with it.

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