วันอังคารที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How The Big Boys Use Adwords Software

By Lawrence Stainbank

Are you the proud owner of a website ? Have you tweaked it until you cannot imagine how it could be improved further ? Your certain that any visitors will be impressed and probably buy your product or service. Therein lies the problem, how exactly do you generate this flood of traffic ?

There is no shortage of advice on how to get traffic and there are certainly enough ways of doing it, so which one or ones should you concentrate on ? Amongst others there is writing articles - like this one - or the mysterious 'search engine optimisation' , perhaps you could try posting on blogs and forums, become well known on social websites or even place videos on sites such as You Tube. They are all tried and tested methods however if you want sales and you want them fast then nothing beats PPC - Pay Per Click advertising on Google.

I?m sure you know what a PPC ad is but, just in case, they are the advertisements that are listed on the right hand side of any Google page after you have typed in a search term and clicked ?Google Search?. The idea is, of course, that you click on the ad and go through to the website and if you do that the advertiser who put up the ad in the first place will be charged, by Google, for your click. Most people who try using PPC ads do so in a way that it a million miles from how the ?professionals? do it.

Entrepreneurs who make the big bucks online organise their pay per click campaign in an altogether different way than the majority of those who perhaps give it one or two tries then give up without sufficient sales and minus some of their hard earned money.

The serious players do like this. To begin with they create a huge list of relevant keywords , often using nothing more than Google's own, excellent, free tool which they call External Keyword Tool.. The correct way to compile this list will be covered in another article. Now they concentrate on creating the ads themselves. Each ad group has two ads, the idea being to see which performs least well then replace it with one that might beat the first 'control' one. The keyword phrase is always the headline, the following two lines must shout the benefits of your product and line four is obviously your website address. So that means that there is only one keyword in each ad group !

There is an obvious flaw to this method, or at least that's what I thought, how can anyone write and handle that number of ads and keywords ? Spending every waking hour at the computer could put a serious strain on your domestic relationships as well as your brain ! Not all keywords are 25 characters, or less, long and as that is the maximum allowed by Google, what then ?

You may be thinking that the answer is simply not to have such huge campaigns. The smaller the list of keywords you have the less likely you are to find the ones that convert into sales. The financial implications of this will be discussed at another time but scale is important.

Clearly any notion of managing these huge campaigns manually is just plain silly. Automation in the form of adwords software is the only answer. It had to be able to organise the whole campaign and among many other things have a way of coping with longer than permitted headline

So I reluctantly decided that it was out with the manual system and in with automation. Two new problems, cost and the fact that I'm a hopeless techie.

I had no problem finding software that was perhaps very good but I found it technically challenging and very expensive.

My search did have a happy ending. That was the beginning of a new, more profitable, era for me and could be for you !

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