วันพุธที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Solution Could Be Credit Restoration

By Jenice Q Zenbella

Since the global credit crunch took hold and economies worldwide have been in a slump, it's tough to secure a mortgage. This makes it more important than ever to keep your credit score high. You can use credit restoration to put things right again if you run into financial trouble ? but it's best to protect your credit from being harmed. Whether you're new to using credit or have had multiple accounts for some time, you should keep a few things in mind about taking good care of your credit score and how to use credit restoration if you do run into trouble.

One of the most important things to know about your credit score is that about 35% of it is based on your payment history. Your credit report goes back seven years; but it is the two most recent years which potential creditors will be most concerned with. How late your payments are makes a big difference. A payment which is 30 days late is not too serious, but one which is more than 90 days late is a big problem. Remember, it's easier to keep your account in good shape than it is to repair it.

Try to maintain various types of credit accounts in good standing. For example, have a credit card which has a low or no balance, an installment loan (a car loan, for instance) and if you can, a mortgage as well. When creditors see that you can effectively manage different types of credit, they are more likely to extend you credit.

Never apply for credit which you do not need. Having too many accounts or making too many applications can negatively impact your credit score. You may also be tempted to use these accounts and get yourself into trouble. Try to avoid the need for credit restoration by only having accounts you actually need.

Get a copy of your credit report and look over it to make sure that everything listed on your report is accurate. If a credit bureau can't demonstrate that an account or debt on your report is actually yours, you can request that it be removed. Any small open debts on your report should simply be paid off. Any larger debts may need to be settled with the creditor.

Contact them and offer them a settlement. In many cases they will reduce the debt, sometimes by as much as half. Work with them to pay off your debt. This settlement will still be a mark on your credit report, but it is vastly preferable to having that unsettled debt on your credit history.

Even with the best of intentions, things will happen from time to time. For reasons entirely beyond your control, you can find your credit rating taking a hit. However, don't let this discourage you. Credit restoration can get you back on track. Stay determined and you'll be able to reestablish good credit once again.

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