วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The sure signs of a mlm newbie

By John Wallen

I just love when I go through my email and see one that's telling me I should get in on this or that, or we can do this for your business, and we can do that. Or, don't pass this up, and don't wait to get in on this. This is exploding and you must see it explode, or hey John this Jack and I've gotta tell you this is the one that will do it this year. Oh and, Hi John this is Monica, this is your invitation. Delete, Delete, Delete!

All these newbies sometimes, that come crawling out from where ever. Once they find out they can buy email leads, they will spam as much as they can thinking this is the way to build a quick downline. They find the right auto responder that will let them send out thousands each day. The magic click that get's them no where.

Just like all those traffic sites that promise to email to thousands of opt in members that just can't wait to get your message. That's why they all get extra mailboxes that delete it all at midnight. Spam troubles are not a problem there, cause everybody is doing the same thing, going no where fast.

It's plain and simple to say, people like this have wasted their money on a home business opportunity. They will try and try again to promote their mlm with these waste of time traffic websites. They know old school methods their sponsor said to do don't work, so I give them credit for knowing that much.

But then they are off and running wasting their time on another traffic generting double opt in miracle, and wait for weeks not getting one response. They then start to realize the only one's making money are the one's offering these traffic miracles. Well, that's about the time they realize they have to push past their comfort zone and actually think about getting real if they want their mlm business to survive.

You got it, the on'es making a fulltime income are the one's that have had the courage to become a mlm leader. These boys and girls know how to make money with their home business. They don't understand how the newbies can stand doing the same old marketing chores that produce nothing but neagative emotions, and create negative notions.

All those that are new to a mlm opportunity really do think this will be the answer to all their financial prayers. They get their emotions all revd up and think they will be the best at sponsoring, then go through all these waste of time things that will burn them out, and when there are no results to keep you positive, you will quit or maybe, just maybe fine the right way.

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