วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Will your Melaleuca Business be Profitable

By Darrell Pirtlaw

Human wants are the outward appearance human needs take as influenced by culture and individual personality. A hungry person in India desires mangoes, suckling pig, and beans. A hungry person in the United States wants a hamburger, French Fries, and a coke. Wants are described in terms of culturally influenced objects that will satisfy the need in this case hunger.

Beginning business owners start out trying to satisfy there own craving for increased income, prominent status or social acceptance. Seasoned business owners concentrate on the wants of their clients. All successful business describe success in terms of the number of people that find value in there products or service.

As a society evolves, the wants of its members expand. They are exposed to more objects that pique their curiosity, interest, and desire. Producers take specific actions to build desire for their products. They try to form a connection between what they produce and people's needs. They promote their product as a satisfier of one or more particular needs. The marketer does not create the need; it exists.

Melaleuca MLM distribution model is a great way to introduce and promote products in the marketplace. The most effective distributors focus on marketing the benefits of the products. Most people fail or make small incomes as they never grasp that they should be focusing on the client as apposed to making money or growing a down line.

The marketers of Melaleuca products often confuse wants and needs. For example, a manufacturer of drill bits may think that the client needs a drill, but what the customer really needs is a hole. In this sense, there are no products; there are only services performed by produces. To expand a little more, individuals do not buy Melaleuca products for the brand name they buy these products for the usefulness they perceive.

Some Melaleuca distributors experience from "marketing myopia." They are so taken with their products that they concentrate only on existing wants and lose sight of underlying customer needs. They forget that a physical product is only a implement to solve a consumer problem. Identifying possible clients wants is critical to marketing success. Once the future clients want is determined all marketing from that point is focused around satisfying that want.

Beginning distributors are vulnerable to successor products, competing businesses or the next big thing. If a new product comes along that serves the need better or cheaper, the distributor will have the same need but a new want. This is the phenomenon that causes distributor turn over as well as customer turn over. This cycle is referred to as churn.

Successful marketing touches everyone's life. It is the means by which a standard of living is developed and delivered to people. By focusing all business functions and efforts around this basic marketing concept and developing processes to satisfy client wants, a Melaleuca marketing business can and will be successful.

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