วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

7 Ways To Speed Up Your Job Searching

By Gnifrus Urquart

In some recent articles, I have broken down the job finding process into its logical components and detailed them individually. With this article I intend on building on those articles by offering tips which will speed up the process for you, looking at job hunting as an entire process.

1. Keep Up To Date With Your Industry - Always

Don't wait till you need a job before your start looking for a job. You should always keep one eye open on your industry for potential opportunities which may come your way. You'll be amazed at the jobs which float past you every day, many of them could be the job you've always dreamed of. If you are not paying attention though they'll sail right by.

2. Ensure Your Resume Is Always Ready

You should always have your resume ready to go. Update it once or twice a year with any new experiences and skills. Having a current resume enables you to take advantage of all those "send me your resume now if you are interested" type of opportunities which occasionally come along. Taking advantage of these could mean you never end up looking for a job at all.

3. Pay Particular Attention To Your Professional Network

Your network is your key to the inner workings of your industry. Try to remember everyone you meet professionally. Try to remember what they do and who they work for. When you catch up with them, get them talking about their jobs and businesses. This is a great way to maintain intimacy with your industry and goes a long way to helping with point 1 above.

4. Accept interviews even if you are not interested in the opportunity, or not looking for a job.

The problem with interviews is that it requires a skill. You are selling yourself. Most interviews follow similar patterns, even though the questions are never the same. If you attend all interviews you are invited to, whether you want the job or not, you will be practising this very important skill. You need to have this skill practised and perfected for when the perfect job comes up. You do not want to miss that perfect job because of poor interviewing skills. Practise makes perfect so go to every interview you are invited to.

5. Note Down Your Experiences.

After each job opportunity presents itself and runs its course, note down your reflections of the process. Note what you did well and what you could have improved on. Learn from your reflections. Keep the diary and review it every time you go for a new job. This will help you evolve as a professional and avoid learning the same lesson more than once.

6. If You Are Unemployed, Make The Job Search Your Full Time Job

You should apply the same discipline, diligence and professionalism to job hunting as you would to work. It will keep you sharp and this will shine during your job interviews. Do not fall into the habit of sleeping in and taking unemployment as a holiday. Your full time job now is job hunting.

7. Maintain Clarity Of Focus

You know what type of job you are looking for, don't be distracted by other offers or ideas. Keep your eyes firmly set on the task at hand and the job you are seeking.

Its never easy to find, win and accept the right job for the next stage of your career. I hope these tips help though. Good luck.

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