วันพุธที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Enter Valve Coffee Bags Stage Right

By John Smith

Seriously, valve coffee bags. Why an article about valve coffee bags you ask? Well, for one thing I can tell you that the valve coffee bag is the newest of the new. It is truly a bag of bags that out performs all previous bag. Don't ask how. You know I know and I know you want to ask. The valve coffee bag is in a class of its own because it keeps oxygen out. Verily, if you already understand basic coffee bag history you will know this to be impossible because the impending explosion. Its a half truth. If you think im mad read the next paragraph, if not just bypass the whole rigamoreole.

Alright newcomers to the world of valve coffee bags, allow me to do a little song and dance here. Its a show all about a time long ago, actually, it was closer to the 80's and coffee bagging facilities where facing a challenge. What challenge? Well simply but exploding coffee bags. The reason was the carbon dioxide that emanates from freshly roasted coffee. The newly bagged beans were giving on this gas inside the bags. This would cause high pressure and the bags would burst. Roasting facilities decided to let the coffee sit for a day to let the beans air out. Unfortunately, the coffee would then start to decline is goodness. What to do? The roasting and bagging facilities had a delima. In comes a manufacturer called fresco to save the day with what is now known as the valve coffee bag.

Essentially the valve on these bags were made to let the carbon dioxide out of the bags while NOT allowing oxygen in the bags that would compromise the freshness of the beans. Pretty good idea huh? No kidding. Now a days most coffee companies use these bags and fresco is laughing all the way to the bank.

But where do you fit into the equation? Well, if you a business owner you may want to consider buying valve coffee bags to store your coffee on the shelves if you buy it in bulk. You may also want to consider selling these bags along side your coffee beans if you sell by the pound. Many people keep valve coffee bags in their homes to keep coffee fresh. Why not offer them a solution right as they buy their coffee.

Its self evident that the this coffee bag seriously is the greatest in the world. Pushing out all competition including foil and paper.

So you can now sleep well at night knowing thats all there really is to know about valve coffee bags.

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