วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to budget - Tips And Tricks

By Taylor F. Coron

With the financial situation being as volatile as it is today, keeping a tight control over your finances is really important, so in this article we are going to give you some helpful tips on how to budget.

The idea behind creating a budget is to ensure that you live within your means. In other words it is a "device" to allocate the available money that you have (including what you have saved and also what you earn), and split in into the various areas of expenditure that comprise your costs of living. Once you have established a budget, you need to stick closely to it. If you spend over and above what you have budgeted, you will be in danger of running out of money, unless of course you other reserves to call upon that you did not include in your budget when you created it.

The most important thing to remember when you are drafting your budget is to make sure that it is accurate. Please do not include any fictitious amounts or any earnings that are not absolutely certain. These will only get you into trouble if you find out later that you had insufficient earnings or you should have allowed more for some items of expenditure.

In essence, what you do to create your budget is to list down all of your items of expenditure. Don't leave anything out including your own "pocket money" or spending money. It's always a good idea to allow a little bit for those unexpected items, like new shoes for the kids, or a new pair of spectacles. If there are some items you have no exact figures for, then make a best guess, but where possible try and base your guess on past history to make it as realistic as can be.

Strictly speaking, this is your budget, but it is far more useful if you include you earnings too. This must include the earning of anyone who normally contributes to your overall household income.

To create the ultimate budget document you can then apply some dates to your predicted money movements. Not only will you then have a working budget document, but you will also have a cash flow document that will be capable of predicting how your money will perform over the coming period.

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