วันอังคารที่ 14 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Utilize Billboard Advertising and Outdoor Advertising

By Aaron Morgan

Implementing a successful outdoor advertising campaign is no different from implementing any other kind of marketing campaign: marketers need to identify their targets demographically and geographically and isolate those groups' main driving routes.

By looking at a variety of different cases it will be easy to see the ways in which billboard advertising has been instrumental for marketers wanting to make an impression on very specific target markets.

A tae kwon do dojo was wanted to increase the number of students by marketing to wealthy parents. Approaching placement with the top-of-mind rule that for every type of person that drives, there is an appropriate billboard advertising location to reach them, the studio picked a few spots traveled by suburban commuters to the downtown. They were also, coincidentally, placed near the exits to major shopping centers that are frequented by stay-at-home moms. By placing the ads in front of busy moms and commuting fathers, the dojo was able to target a population that was likely to have children and likely to have money to spend on the classes.

A music school for young children wanted increase the number of enrolled students and decided it would target wealthy parents of highly-achieving students. As the billboard advertising location to reach those parents, the music school selected several billboards near exits to shopping centers, which were also along major suburban commuter routes. By placing those ads near where busy mothers would shop and along the routes of commuting parents, the school effectively targeted busy and wealthy parents of both sexes.

A major supermarket chain was looking to improve its price perception with the Chicago population that frequents other discount stores just outside the city. By implementing an outdoor advertising campaign along the routes nearby the highway exits to and entrances from its major competitor, the chain was able to announce its new price guarantee and a list of everyday low price items. In this case, the target market was a competitor's customers, and the campaign was able to help the marketing department reach that demographic effectively.

With the advent of internet advertising, many people don't remember that *all* effective advertising is targeted.

Drivers to and from certain locations have a lot in common.

When marketers can isolate their target market, it is easy to put into place good outdoor and billboard campaigns that convert drivers into customers.

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