วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Millionaire reveals 5 secrets of Marketing Herbal Products

By Yako Nocemta

The recent boom of herbal products is turning out to be one of the most lucrative home businesses to begin.

The decline in the economy has had a great effect on how people spend money. Herbal supplements and products are more cost effective than pharmaceuticals. This is great news for the home based herbal product entrepreneur as sales will only increase and millionaires are sprouting up everywhere.

However, not everyone is making a million dollars with their herbal product home business. I was lucky enough to get in touch with a herbal business millionaire and these are his 5 secrets for success so beginners to the business could learn the secrets to earning more with their herbal product home business.

1. A Quality Product

A quality herbal product is the core of success for your business. Anything less than premium ingredients will not deliver results and in turn will not satisfy your customer. Customers will pay more for a premium product if they know they can gain the desired result, so it means you can charge a premium price, bringing you more profits now and in the long term.

2. Professional Presentation

A key factor is a professional image for your business. Your product will be judged by first impression especially by first time customers. Skimping on labels and packaging will only hinder your performance.

3. Reliable Manufacturers

You must have a reliable manufacturer to product your herbal products in a timely manner. Since you don't want to be manufacturing your products in your home, you must be able to meet the demand when your business grows. And your manufacturer must be able to keep up with your needs.

4. Great Customer Service

Your customer base is your lifeline to staying in business and a gateway to growing it. Happy customers mean repeat customers. A support phone line and/or fax number along with an online customer support desk is in order.

In the herbal product business especially, it's a product that people tell their friends about. If they are happy with your product and service, they are more likely to recommend it to their friends.

5. Advertising

Get your herbal product in front of the consumers by using effective advertising. Advertise using a combination of both online and offline resources while constantly tracking to find the most responsive methods. Offline advertising includes newspapers, direct mail and magazines. Online techniques include pay per click, ezine/newsletter ads and banner advertising.

These 5 rules to follow are some of the secrets of a million dollar herbal product business. When you have everything running in harmonious motion, you can expect success.

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