วันอังคารที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Staying Positive in as a Forex Trader

By Bart Icles

When you are forex trading one of the biggest challenges you may face is keeping your spirits up. There are number of things that will pull your spirits down and you have to learn to deal with each individual one so that your trading isnt effected by them.

One of them is lack of trading time. It can get discouraging to trade when your life picks up in pace and you find that you dont have nearly enough time to trade. You know you know enough to trade well you just havent had time to sit down, study like you should and trade as you would dream. There are couple things you can. One learn to trade on longer time frames, the income will be slower but it might make it easier on you. Or you can reschedule and mark out 30 minutes a day to trade that way you feel progress daily.

Another thing that can pull your attitude down is if you are struggling to understand the course material you have. You have a high interest in the subject you just cant seem to understand the complex strategies. In forex there are many complicated strategies that you can get sucked into, however they are simply strategies then will be just as effective because you are able to understand them inside and out and manipulate them as necessary. So if you are find yourself discouraged because of your course find a new course. It isnt worth be frustrated over because you are just losing valuable trading time.

A third thing that brings a positive attitude down is trading in a losing streak. Losing streaks can bring frustration faster then anything and can lead to emotional decision making. This struggle is dangerous because of the emotion involved in it. If you struggle with this then the best way to overcome this is to look back at your basics and analyze exactly what you are doing. If you dont find anything particularly wrong then analyze again and this time look at every factor that may be impeding it in anyway, both in your trading plan and outside factors such as emotion.

Trading forex is an exciting field but it takes a positive mental attitude and there is no way around that. The way you feel and look at your trading will affect the way you are trading. Be sure to reflect on what your attitude and find the best way for you to it positive.

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