วันเสาร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Are Resell Rights: Comparing The Differences

By James T Maxwell

If you happen to be new to the private label rights scheme of things, it can be quite confusing to say the least. From knowing what you can do and what you can't with the various products you have purchased or been given at various give-away events can be a lot to contend with. Let's try to shed some light on this whole situation in order to get you aimed in the appropriate direction.

Resell Rights

If you purchase an item with resell rights included, the way it works is you can turn around and resell the item to other people, but only in the exact format you purchased it. You can't alter it in any way. Right down to the last word on every page, it must remain the same.

When buying e-books with resell rights, this is often what you will encounter as far as rights go. As a rule the author of the product will include somewhere within the e-book a short biography, as well as a link to their website perhaps. It's quite possible they may even include information on more products they own. Some of the links provided within the e-book could possibly be their personal affiliate links, and by changing any part of this type of e-book could potentially be removing money from the owner's pockets.

In this scenario the original author comes out the winner. Not only have they made money by selling the resell rights to you, they have the opportunity for others to purchase their product from you. This will give them back-end sales advantages.

Benefits for You

The product you receive is ready to be sold, allowing you to keep all profits when you sell a copy. Most times you will receive with your product a sales page, as well as the possibility of receiving a mini webpage with coordinating graphics. This makes setting up to begin selling right away a breeze. There is no hassle to worry about since all you need is included with your purchase.

There is a negative side of this option however. It will be evident to all purchasers this e-book is not one you created on your own. Each sale you make builds the brand belonging to someone else; therefore you aren't promoting something of your own design.

Master Resell Rights

In this step, we take things a little further than we did with resell rights. Master Resell Rights or MMR not only include the same rights we saw previously with Resell Rights, but include on key difference. When selling a product with MMR, you are now able to pass on the resell rights to your customers. With being able to do this, you could also consider charging a slightly higher price for the product with these rights.

Internet Marketers are most interested in MMR products as a rule. When you are selling an e-book on quilting to a group of quilters, they aren't necessarily going to be interested in the Master resell rights, since all the really want is the quilting information to begin with.

Private Label Rights (PLR)

This is where the fun begins. The advantages behind PLR items are fantastic, and here's why. With PLR items you have the ability to put your own name or brand on the product, passing it off as your own creation. Internet Publishers can find many advantages and benefits from the world of private label rights. You could be buying any number of items, branding them as your own, and then selling an entire range of items without breaking a sweat in creating even one of them.

Before Using or Selling PLR Items Know Your Rights

Although we have discussed various terms you can find within the ranks of rights related to different products you may purchase, there is always a chance there will be variations to these interpretations. In many if not most cases, PLR products or articles won't come with their own 'master resell rights' attached. Although you are able to rebrand and sell the products as your creations, you may not sell the products with private label rights to anyone else.

This becomes a safety precaution regarding any and all distribution of the products in question. By doing this it also ensures people wanting access to the private label rights must contact the original owner. There is a possibility you may come across some PLR products with the actual master resell rights attached in the file folder. If this is the case, you will most likely see this information clearly specified on the sales page. This could be a key selling point for this item.

And now you know the ins and outs of Resell Rights, Master Resell Rights and PLR and what you can use them for. You should always remember to take time for consulting the terms and conditions of any product you purchase before putting it to use. If something is still unclear, please contact the original product owner for any clarification.

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