วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

An Increase In Your Memory Can Increase Your Happiness In Life

By Ray Stendall

Do you find that your memory fails you again and again? Would you like to understand how you can boost your memory? You will once you read and apply the ideas in this article. Your memory quite possibly is your most important intellectual factor. What are you doing to strengthen your memory on a regular basis?

The Importance Of Your Memory

Can you imagine your life with a nonexistent memory? How frustrating would be to not be able to recall simple facts that were just told to you or facts you once knew from a long time ago? Some individuals face disease which puts them in this exact state. Others, seemingly very healthy never exercise their memory and as the old expression goes whatever is not used is lost.

What Is Your Memory Like?

Do you find that you meet people at parties or at work and moments later forget their name? Do you believe that you can remember faces but always forget names? The human mind is trained to remember people, places and things that we get emotionally involved in. If you don't believe me I want you to think back and remember your first true love. This person might have been in your life many years ago but you still remember this person don't you? What did you have for lunch a week ago last Monday? See the difference an emotional connection makes versus something that is trivial?

How Can I Improve My Memory?

From the above example we concluded that the more emotionalized things are in your mind the more likely it will be that you will remember them. This is why when trying to memorize very dry information in school we found it challenging, there was no emotion involved. The easiest way to boost your memory is to associate what you are trying to remember with an emotional trigger.

What Is An Emotional Trigger?

An emotional trigger is a psychological tool that is used to help you remember something. Let me give you an example of an emotional trigger: recently I attended a workshop and met a lady by the name of Diva. So the question is how did I remember her name? I associated her name with the traditional meaning of the word diva and created a funny yet memorable picture in my mind of what the word diva represents. I then associated this funny picture with this nice lady. Every time I try to remember her name if I struggled the picture would come on the screen of my mind and just like magic I would remember her name.

What As Something That You Struggle To Remember?

I want you to take something that you struggle to remember perhaps the name of someone or a phone number. Now associate in name of this person with something that you find very funny and memorable. Use one of their attributes and use this as a tool to spur your imagination.

Are You Remembering Phone Numbers?

Do you realize that if I asked you to recall some of the phone numbers you have personally had over the years you could? Why is it that we have trouble remembering other numbers when they are given to us? The answer is we have not emotionalized these numbers and we rarely use them. So now the trick is how can we associate something with a stream of numbers? Let's take a random number 369-1496. To me 1496 is the year Columbus discovered America so this part of the number is easy to recall. Now the question is how do we remember 369? One way to remember this is multiples of three another way to remember this is to take the last two digits of 1496 and invert them to 69 and all I have to remember that in his 3. So my emotional trigger is Christopher Columbus came to America in 1496. The last two digits are 6 and 9 and I remember they are multiples of 3 hence 369-1496. This might not be the ideal example but I am sure you get the point.

Your memory is vitally important to your success. It is your duty to exercise your memory on a regular basis to ensure that you can maximize all information that is retained within your subconscious mind. By working on improving your memory you will strengthen it and improve your ability to recall details and facts. Memory truly is a use it or lose it skill.

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SEO Permanently In The Gray Area

By Julie Johnson

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is still a mystery to people not in the industry. It is hardly a household word. But what is always fascinating is that even within the SEO industry, there is so much gray area on how it should be done and what is or isnt ethical.

There are some standard guidelines like high volume of content on the website, giving outbound links and receiving inbound links, properly formatted meta tags, and a well organized site. Most in the industry do agree that these are basic tenets for a successful SEO program, but there is no magic path to getting there. SEO is not divined from a scientific method, but remains almost like a dance, an art form. The SEO provider is constantly working and reworking their formulas while they keep a close eye on the website's movement in the rankings.

Most professional SEO providers will provide their client a level of detailed in-depth report similar to one another. But that's where much of the similarity ends. While most will not have any outright conflicting advise, their content and their approach will be different. If you polled 10 providers for reports, you'd likely get 10 different versions.

This is the challenge for the SEO organization. There is no clear laid out plan that can be picked up and read like a book. There's no secret site that one can plug into and retrieve all the right answers. As every day at work is different, every company and every website is different. The interesting factor for the SEO provider is the suspense of not knowing immediately if their work is successful. Improved ranking and traffic take time to build and a successful SEO program will achieve that for the client.

Because things are changing so quickly with search engines these days, it takes a professional SEO organization to keep up with where things are going. For an individual to jump into doing SEO work on his own site would require a lot of time, and a lot of faith, and an extensive undestanding of SEO. There's a reason that some professionals have a great track record and others don't. It takes experience that can only be gained through a large client base.

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Making Money Online - Sifting Through the Hype

By Sigh Ney

Wouldn't it be interesting to know what content of a sales page is actually true, or could be true for the average person? What I've learned is that there is no quick fix or get-rich hype that is real. I bought all kinds of products, jumping from one hyped program to the next. I tried it all, but I lacked focus! The key is to focus in a particular area and stay with it. Whether PPC (pay per click) is your thing, selling you're own products, selling affiliate products or whatever ... it's important to take action and stay the course. But whatever it is, building your own list is a top priority in determining your ultimate success.

When I began my internet marketing online experience, I made the big mistake of starting with affiliate marketing building someone else's mailing list. The training material was fantastic, very detailed and comprehensive. I soon discovered that I was really building a list for someone else the was not in my control. I am quite sure I made a great positive impact on his affiliate marketing business. Wow, what a learning experience!

You can find about any kind of product you're looking for online. If you have money available, you may find that paying for advertising for your product or service works for you. If so, by all means go for it. But if you don't have a lot of money to start with, and can't really afford to pay per click or expensive traffic strategies, then start building a mailing list. I have to admit I liked PPC advertising and kind of became addicted to it! But I was losing money by the truckloads, so I obviously did not have the skill or knowledge required to competently use it. You'll find all the "gurus" say the money is in the list and they're so right. In this competitive market, I truly believe that list building is critical, and the money really is in the list.

What do I mean by building a list? It's a process where you collect names and email addresses from people interested in how you can help them. Whether you have some great service, such as ways they can obtain free targeted traffic to their business, or other high value information or product to help them become successful, they will appreciate you and become loyal, if you are for real. Making money online is a business and should be treated like one. In other words, you need to provide something of value so you establish a long-term relationship with your customer.

Building a list and over-delivering value to that list is the path to success. By connecting with a mentor that does just that is what I have done. Alex Jeffreys is no guru, just someone that has been extremely successful, and his List Building With Alex product is what got me started on the right track to be successful online. His product was free and it provided value, not just another ebook to file away!

You can find about any kind of product you're looking for online. If you have money available, you may find that paying for advertising for your product or service works for you. If so, by all means go for it. But if you don't have a lot of money to start with, and can't really afford to pay per click or expensive traffic strategies, then start building a mailing list. I have to admit I liked PPC advertising and kind of became addicted to it! But I was losing money by the truckloads, so I obviously did not have the skill or knowledge required to competently use it. You'll find all the "gurus" say the money is in the list and they're so right. In this competitive market, I truly believe that list building is critical, and the money really is in the list.

What do I mean by building a list? It's a process where you collect names and email addresses from people interested in how you can help them. Whether you have some great service, such as ways they can obtain free targeted traffic to their business, or other high value information or product to help them become successful, they will appreciate you and become loyal, if you are for real. Making money online is a business and should be treated like one. In other words, you need to provide something of value so you establish a long-term relationship with your customer.

It is my experience that list building and helping your customer's succeed is the key to succeeding and thriving online.

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