วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Should my Domain Contain My Keywords?

By Brent Sweet

There are really two answers to this question. First of all if you are starting a new business, and have yet to register your domain, then yes, register a domain that has your keywords in it. It is best to use hyphenated keywords. The reason for this is if people like to your site naturally, chances are they are going to link to your domain. If you have your keywords in your domain, this will help with your links that you do not receive anchor text.

Hotels.com is a good example. They rank #1 for the keyword hotels, probably because most links pointing to them have the anchor text hotels.com or something similar. This guarantees your anchor text in any links contain the keywords you are shooting for.

Google gives no preference to sites with the keywords in their domain. What I mean is, just because you have the keywords in your domain, does not make Google or any other search engine think your site is more relevant. That's where content and links serve a purpose. Just because you don't have the keywords in your domain does not mean you can't rank well for keywords. It only means that when people naturally link to you, they may not have the anchor text you want. The link is still valuable.

Case and point is my newest site http://www.article-submission-express.com. I have went out and built my links with the anchor text article submissions. At the point of writing this article, about 17 days after putting the site online, I rank on page 11 for article submissions as the keyword. Article submission, however, which is my domain name is not ranking my site anywhere on Google. I only focus on one keyword at a time, even though my guru friends state that we should try to rank for many small keywords at a time. I like to think of search engines as humans and their patents prove that is what they are mimicking. Humans can only focus on one thing at a time. I feel that the concentration of my focus to particular keywords will allow me to not only get rankings for several keywords over time, but allow me to monitor the results and make sure that efforts towards other rankings don't damage my current rankings.

To conclude, do not go out and register a domain name if your current one does not have the keywords in it. If you were to do this and copy the old site to the new site, Google may punish them both for having duplicate content. Yes that is correct Google does search for duplicate content, that is why my article submission methods are so effective. Keep the domain you already registered and go out and build links to your sites with the keywords in the anchor text. Do it with article submission, this is the easiest way to get relevant one way links. It's nearly all I do anymore, and I have a lot of sites. These links only help you, you control the anchor text, and it is easy to get a ton of links!

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2009 Is Mine: Make Money Online

By M Taylor

There are actual folks earning money daily on the Internet. The key is discovering the "right" opportunity that befits you.

A lot of folks get started in web based businesses hoping to get rich quick without having to do any work. Many of these same folks fail miserably and blame the business. What they don't realize is the business didn't fail, they failed to run business.

The 'get rich quick no work required' business opportunity does not exist. If such a business existed, everyone would be in it and everyone would be rich! The truth is that all web based businesses demand work. Majority of the work is getting traffic to your website. The key to success with a web based business is advertising.

If you're willing and able to put in some elbow grease, you can make money online.

Here are some basic ideas to help you discover the Internet venture that is right for you:

Start a blog. Blogging can be personally fulfilling as well as lucrative. Top bloggers make money by selling ad space on their blogs. Many beloggers belong to paid to blog communities such as Pay Per Post and ReviewMe. Most bloggers generate revenue by displaying ads through networks like Google Adsense and Kontera.

Selling domain names and webhosting services is a great online money maker. Godaddy offers a reseller program for a nominal fee. When you sign up as a reseller with Godaddy its like starting your own web service business. You'll get your very own automated website where people can buy domain names and hosting.

An internet based travel agency is your ticket to getting a piece of the travel industry pie. YTB offers a referring travel agent opportunity which comes with a professional website where people can search and book travel. Its an automated system that requires a small investment that practically pays for itself with the right advertising.

Join a dropshipping program and start selling products on Ebay. You can even open your own Ebay store on Ebay!

Create and sell content. If you can write there is plenty of money to be made writing. Ghost write blogs, articles, press releases, or ebooks. Join networks like Guru.com to offer your services as a freelancer or start your own website. Become a member of revenue sharing sites such as AssociatedContent or HubPages.

You can generate revenue using the web hundreds of ways.

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The Role Of The Champion In Six Sigma

By Craig Calvin

Six Sigma projects are successful only if all the responsibilities and roles of the team leaders are clearly outlined. Each team member, including Yellow Belts, Green Belts and Black Belts must perform their jobs without flaw. But it is the Master Black Belts and the Champions who are the leaders of the project and they both must be trained well, or the project will be flawed, as they are the key members of the implementation team. The Champion, as the top leader, is responsible for giving guidance to the Master Black Belts and other members along the way. They act as a buffer between Black Belts and top management. This allows Black Belts to focus on their jobs while the Champion can address problem issues.

The project selection process includes the aligning of the Six Sigma projects with the organization's goals and objectives. This is a task handled by the Champion. It is important to ensure the projects and goals are in sync with one another and prioritized. The Champion will then allocate tasks and assist Black Belts with the projects. Often, the project selection activity is perceived as a career limiting step by the Champion, when in reality it is a simple but important part of the Six Sigma initiative.

The Champion should be able to guide other members of the team in the usage of Six Sigma tools and techniques. They should be familiar with the technology used in processes. This helps them ensure that the operational level projects are aligned with strategic level business objectives. However, they should not intrude into the process undertaken by the Black Belts. They should conduct project reviews to ensure that the project is progressing as planned and that the results are aligned to the needs of the organization.

Pace mediation is handled by the Six Sigma Champions. Timetables are set at the beginning of the process and they are tied to the achievement of the customer's goals. A common mistake occurs when the team members concentrate on adhering to the timetable without proper attention paid to achieving customer satisfaction goals. The Champion will assess the situation and realign the team, getting the process back on track.

Six Sigma is a results oriented discipline and if proper results aren't achieved, then Six Sigma may not be considered a success. The Black Belts are the team members who act as the change agents by managing the various projects. But it is the job of the Champions who must make sure the projects are implemented successfully with no negative effect to the business. The Champion also must monitor savings at every step, as well as being responsible for keeping things running smoothly in the process. If the Six Sigma deployment does not have a highly trained Champion, the project may not be as successful as it otherwise could be.

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