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How to Find Good KSA Writers

By Chucky Bronson

When looking for a government job, you generally must submit 2 types of documents: a Federal resume, which is a resume that is specially designed for government jobs and KSA answers, which are short essays that must demonstrate that you have the right knowledge, skills and abilities for the job.

Just like Federal resumes, KSA essays must follow firm guidelines - whether its in term of format or content - and answer all the questions listed in the vacancy announcement. KSA essays should not be overlooked as, in some cases, they have more power than a resume to get you an interview or even a job.

Because writing KSA essays is not only difficult but also requires being a talented writer, most candidates are now hiring KSA writers to write their answers for them. Finding a great KSA writing service might not be simple when youre new to this and here are a few things that should help you find a good KSA writing service:

First, your KSA writer should be certified, which will assure that they have the right qualifications. There are quite a few types of certifications out there but if you see PARW, CPRW or NARW, you know you are on the right track as they are premier sources of certification.

Second, a professional KSA writer should evidently be expert in preparing KSA statements, Federal resumes and government job applications so that they know what theyre doing - this typically means that they took special classes and trainings on that subject.

Third, try to find out how many years of experience they have " the more, the better, as you wouldnt want to put your career at risk in the hands of a beginner! Also look for any type of data about the achievements they had. While a success rate is the best way to know they can indeed get results, also look for testimonials, comments, etc

Fourth, check out what is their delivery time. This is very important as, Federal vacancy announcements having deadlines, you want to make sure you will get your KSAs in time.

Finally check out their prices, especially as some companies charge outrageous fees for that service (its often the case when they dont show their prices on their website and make you call in for a quote). To give you an idea, you should not pay more than $150 for 5 KSA points.

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6 Ways to Not Lose Your Downline

By Matt Hellstrom

What's the best way to keep distributors from dropping out of your network marketing organization? This is a question that's been asked since the beginning of time (or at least since the beginning of network marketing!) There are some things you can do to keep more of them around for longer

As a leader in your company, your main goal is to retain your current distributors so you don't always have to be signing up new ones. The longer they stick around, the bigger your check is. But just how can you do that? Here are six ideas that might help you to succeed in this area.

1. Make sure you're part of a good company. It's crucial that you are involved with a company that you believe in, and that has great products. That way, your new distributor will at least want to keep using the products even if they haven't started making money yet.

2. Enroll your new distributor with an expensive option, that showcases many of your companies products. This way they will tend to stay involved longer because they have that initial outlay that they won't want to walk away from. Plus, they'll be able to try out your companies products and sell retail the ones they can't use. My company has a package for $1200, this is the one I insist on my new recruits buying.

3. Help them learn to monetize their business. This is the process of earning some money right away to help offset their startup and monthly expenses until they get their MLM rolling. One way to do this is with affiliate marketing, which is promoting someone elses products online and earning a commission from them. This doesn't cost anything to do and can create some income right away.

4. Have a relationship with them. If you want your new distributor to stick around for awhile, they need to know that you're aware of what they're doing. Having personal contact with them will develop a sense of loyalty, and foster accountability. On the internet, you can sign up lots of people, but you'll lose them just as fast if you don't get to know them. If you're not comfortable with talking to people, network marketing might not be for you.

5. Give them a plan. Train them. Let them know what to expect. Don't oversell, don't tell them they'll be making $1000/month in 6 months, or that they can retire in 2 years. It's probably not going to happen, and if you tell them that in order to get them into your business, you'll be damaging them, which is not cool.

6. Don't assume that because you like to do recruit one way that your new distributor will do the same. Every one is different, and if you can help them to discover what works for them you'll be much better off in the long run. Just because you like to work online doesn't mean they necessarily will - maybe they'll be great at making cold calls or in their warm market. Keep an open mind!

Remember that your goal is to keep your new distributor around as long as possible. The quicker they're able to be successful, the more likely they are to stick around. Every month they stay involved is a month closer to success for them (and you). Plus, it's another month of income!

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Benefits of Web Hosting Services

By Anand

It is really important for the web hosting business owners as well as for the end users to know what the web hosting service should offer and which facilities should be included in a good plan. This will help the business men to provide their customers with right quality of amenities and also the customers to select the best service provider.

With the help of web hosting you can run a site, which will feature the information, images, audio files, videos and many more thoroughly describing the site's purpose. Entire world will be able to know about your products, services and ideas through the web network. The main intention of web hosting is providing the customer with a server space on which he can store these files.

The disk space allows you to upload or save the codes and files which collectively make the website. The bandwidth is essential as it helps the site to handle a large number of visitors i.e. web traffic. You can also get the information from your web host that which type of customers are mainly accessing your website and how long they are staying on the web pages. This information is extremely helpful for those who wish to improve their business from all aspects. Another crucial benefit of web hosting is that you can create several e-mail accounts on your website which depicts sheer professionalism and also enhances customer reliability. You can very well understand that while communicating with the customers through email, if you send it from your website's address, the customer will depend on you and will not question the credibility of the company.

Web hosting also allows you to create the databases which is simply indispensable for the online business owners. The other exciting features that you can add to your website with the help of a web host include shopping carts for e-commerce sites, forums, communities and chat panels. These features help in communicating with the customers and know their views on the site.

A well functioning server is the key to success for the web sites and the web hosting service plays an important role in this field. If the server crashes down every now and then, your visitors might have a problem viewing the site which is not desired at all. Even with shared web hosting or managed hosting you can get great server quality provided the host has a back up server. Advertisement is one of the open business secrets that can be easily accomplished by the good web hosting services. It allows you to promote your products and services to the worldwide customer base which brings in thousands of potential customers increasing the sales several folds. Low cost web hosting service is another aspect of web hosting which is cost effective and affordable to everyone.

These are few of the important and remarkable benefits of web hosting and there are many others which you can understand only after availing this service from an authentic and renowned provider.

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