วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

CFD Trading and The 80/20 Rule

By cfdreport

Are you looking for simple CFD trading ideas that you can use in your CFD trading system to help you achieve higher profits from your CFD trading instantly. Well it is time that you looked at this, it will add excellent profits to your CFD trading.

The major problem is that a lot of CFD trader's face is that they don't know about the 80/20 rule and the power of this rule. This rule is a common rule that is used everyday in business and this rule is very applicable to CFD trading. So what is the 80/20 rule, it is simply that 80% of your sales will come from just 20% of your clients. So how does this work in CFD trading?

It means that you will find that 80% of your CFD trading profits will come from just 20% of your trades- so what this means is that you should be doing less trades and focusing on the high odds trades. So what this means is that less trades is often better. So many new traders make the mistake of over trading, which more than often means they will end up broke.

The 80-20 rule is one education lesson that all new traders should learn as fast as they possibly can as it will make them a lot of money. For more free education lessons feel free to visit the CFD FX REPORT they have many free education lessons available and they can help you find the best CFD Broker in the market too.

Many inexperience CFD traders think they need to trade all the time and the more they trade, the more they will make in terms of profits. Most CFD traders therefore try and scalp and day trade and just take low odds trades and lose.

The professional CFD trader focuses on the long term trends and big profits and many trade just once a month or less and turn in 100% annual gains.

Once you learn how to use CFD charts you will often see that big trends will often last a long time, and in some cases months, so if you get into these trades hold them and trail up your stop loss this will improve your profits.

If you want to make more money in less time, focus your CFD trading on long term trend following via breakouts and only take high odds trades. If you do this, you will make a lot more money, with less risk and in less time.

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วันพุธที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Be a Preferred Customer with MaxGXL, MaxWLX and MaxNFuse

By Sonja Schuyler

Would you like to be a preferred customerand buy products at wholesale prices? Max International makes this possible by signing up as a preferred customer and ordering your products by autoship. This method enables the products to be delivered to your door each month. You can change or cancel your shipment any time you want.

MaxGXL increases your body's ability to produce the most powerful antioxidant in the world by up to 292%! The most powerful antioxidant is not a juice or a berry...it's GLUTATHIONE. Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, slow down the aging process, improve athletic performance and strengthen your immune system. The great news about glutathione is that regardless of the type of free radical, glutathione has the ability to properly match up and neutralize it, thus increasing cellular protection and function.

Max International's products were developed by Dr Robert H Keller who has been named as one of the world's 2,000 outstanding scientists of the 21st Century.

MaxWLX is a weight loss accelerator. Two out of three Americans are overweight. Until now dieting hasn't worked. MaxWLX is an all natural product that works with your body to lower leptin levels. In an 8 week double blind study at University of Connecticut Human Performance Laboratory the MaxWLX group lost 2l.5 pounds of fat with 3.96" off their waist, 3.28" off their hips and 1.2" off each thigh. They enjoyed a 90% greater fat loss than the placebo group.

MaxNFuse- Obtaining the nutrients your body needs for optimal performance is an increasingly difficult challenge. Soils are depleted of vital trace elements; factory farming practices and overprocessing reduce the nutrients available from food. Vitamin and mineral supplements have long been the solution but they are not always absorbed. If you feel like half of your 'cylinders' are not firing, help is on the way! Max N-Fuze is all about effectively delivering the nutrients you need.

Being a preferred customer enables you to purchase products at the wholesale price thus giving you a chance to use MaxGXL, MaxWLX and MaxNFuse. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to try these amazing products. You might just decide to join the business. The choice is yours.

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Is Chiropractic Marketing with Pay-Per-Click a Waste?

By Matthew Loop DC

It happens at every one of my seminars"a chiropractor will come up to me and talk endlessly about the benefits of pay per click advertising on Google or Yahoo, and every time I have to smile to myself. Chiropractors who are new to marketing or any new businessperson who starts paying to advertise online are always excited. They pat themselves on the back for finally marketing their business online. Thats not to say that a good Adwords campaign isnt worth anything, but you can seriously waste thousands of dollars with pay per click, and potentially with no returns.

In the realm of chiropractic marketing, Im sometimes called the expert, sometimes referred to as the YouTube chiropractor, or innovator of social networking and video marketing. I like all these terms, and I use my expertise to teach other chiropractors how to utilize free marketing to bring new patients through their doors and excess money into their pockets. But first, let me confess something---

My confession is that for the longest time I ran pay per click advertising. Not only did I utilize it, I was running killer campaigns that would get me 15 new patients per month on average. Did it happen overnight? Absolutely not! I spend $10,000 on this type of medium before I found a formula that worked. If you don't have money to lose for testing and tweaking your ads then you should probably stay away from pay per click advertising.

Now, how do you get enough of a return on your money to make your marketing lucrative in this financial crisis? Im no martyr, but my struggles have taught me valuable lessons about using free mediums online for whopping chiropractic advertising success. Imagine beginning a huge internet marketing campaign for your chiropractic practice that is completely free! You heard me---- FREE! When you use the free resources provided by web 2.0 sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube, youre telling the world about your chiropractic practice, and theres no cost upfront. That means nothing to lose.

When you take your chiropractic message and personal story out to thousands of highly targeted people on these social media sites, youre meeting people from your local community as a person, and then sharing your chiropractic abilities. Your chiropractic message, with the click of a button, will travel to countless numbers of people in your community that can use your services.

In 2009, video marketing is going to completely take over the marketing world as we know it. Videos on Yahoo and Google already comprise about 50% of the material youll find online, and that number is going to increase exponentially in 2009. When you create videos that show you in your office, telling your story, giving patients a tour of your facilities, these potential patients will begin to feel that they know and trust you, even before stepping through your door.

Listen, no one can stop you from using pay per click, but keep track of how much youre spending per day and put a limit on it. If you specify that you only want to spend $20 a day, then Google will adjust how its putting your videos out. I was trapped paying $130 a day when I was using pay per click, and thats because I didnt think to set a cut-off.

There are some benefits to PPC, dont get me wrong. Im not sure youll get the upwards of 30 new patients per month that some chiropractors boast, but its worth a shot if you have the money. Know ahead of time that you have to be prepared to pay $1-5 for every click. Use a term in the headline that is accessible like neck pain, as opposed to the name of your chiropractic practice. Chiropractic marketing isnt about your ego, so focus on the patient and their potential needs and concerns. This will guarantee a more significant return on your initial investment.

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