วันพุธที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Internet Marketers - Are You Doing The Right Thing?

By Damian Papworth

I entered the internet marketing industry around 2003. It all started for me with an affiliate program and a pay per click campaign. Back in 2003 there were not many savvy Australian internet marketers so I had very little competition for my campaign for quite some time.

I watched as more and more people entered the market though, forcing click bids up. I watched while Google changed their rules, time and time again making it harder for affiliates to make money with pay per click. I watched and worked up to the point where the time involved in managing pay per click campaigns as an affiliate, was no longer worth the commissions the campaigns earned.

So I changed my approach. I started to build websites and learn about search engine optimisation. I still used PPC marketing, but to drive traffic to my own websites while they optimised in the organic search terms. The result for me was half a dozen highly optimised and profitable website businesses. Of these, only one has its own product. The others either promote affiliate programs or sell advertising space.

As my skill grew, so did my reputation. The result of this was a continual stream of business owners who, having heard of my expertise, wanted to hire me to sort out their web presence. These business owners all had two things in common. They all saw the potential the internet had for their business and they all had been taken advantage of by unscrupulous internet operators who took their money yet added no value. So I took them on and applied the same strategies to their websites that I applied to my own. Much to their delight, their websites now create business for them.

These clients of mine all had a pretty negative view of the internet industry when they came to me. Unfortunately they'd all been ripped off by one operator or another. That's the problem with our industry though, its unregulated and we are all, by and large, self taught. There is no standard of quality, this lets the poorly skilled earn while their clients suffer.

These charlatans contact me every week trying to sell their services. I can see clearly their modus operendi. They base all their actions on the fact that most business owners are pretty ignorant when it comes to the internet. Therefore, a few nice graphs and some confusing industry jargon is all they offer and expect it to be enough to make a sale. This is despite their general lack of substance when it comes to delivery.

My tourism service is a great example. Its a tiny little operation on Australia's Gold Coast, we hire surfboards to tourists. Do a search on "Gold Coast Surfboard Hire" or the less specific "Surfboard Hire", I'm pretty easy to find. My business is Gold Coast Surfboards. As you can see in the search results, its a well optimised website for the relevant terms to the business.

Despite the fact that this business is optimised in the search engines for the phrases that are relative to the product, I still get SEO "professionals" contacting me trying to sell their wares. I get contacted every week. Its crazy.

You can see exactly what they do. They find a small business website with the assumption they will know more about the internet than the websites owner. (He after all will be busy running his business) They will look at the main products and then trawl through Google to find a search phrase that the website doesn't compete well with. Then they try and scare the business owner into signing up for their services.

This sort of thing really scares me. It makes me realise that there are people in my industry who manipulate our clients to make a quick buck. They are quite happy to modify a website to attract irrelevant traffic in order to make some money, with little care of the damage this does to the customer's business. To embellish, if I had have listened to these hard selling conmen, my website would either be attracting lots of people who needed surfboard wax or fins, or in the Holiday Rentals case, people who are looking for hire cars or accommodation at goodness knows which destination. One thing is for certain, people visiting the Gold Coast would not be hiring my surfboards.

If you are a small business owner and get approached by an internet marketer who is going to "turbo boost" your business by getting it up to the top of Google, look carefully at the words they are suggesting they will do this for. There are lots of phrases which anyone can get to #1 as there is no competition for them. This is because no-one uses them to search. So before you sign up an internet marketer, try and get a good understanding of what your clients search for on Google when they are looking for your product.

If you are thinking about using the internet as a way to promote your business, ask around. See if you can get a referral for an internet professional who has built and marketed a website for someone else in a way that brings them business. The good professionals run their businesses on referrals with little self promotion. When asking around though, be very clear with people. Tell them you are looking for someone who markets websites, not someone who builds websites. There are just too many people out there who will charge you a small fortune to build a masterpiece, one though which no-one will ever find.

And to all the shonky operators in our wonderful industry, please make an effort to bring some standard of ethics into your operation. You need to stop selling for the sake of sales and start selling to add real value. If you can add real value to a potential client's business, great, please do so. Its so nice when businesses speak highly of the internet marketing industry. If you can't add value to them though, leave them alone. They are better off without you.

About the Author:

Understanding How Search Engines Work

By Terry Stanfield

Have you ever wondered how exactly search engine marketing works or how search engine optimization can help your business? Search engine marketing relies on the basic principles of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization makes it possible for a search engine's spider to find your web page and add it to the search engine results page whenever someone does a search for a word or phrase that shows up on your website.

Search engine marketing uses search engine optimized content to make your website easier for the spiders to find and for people who are searching the web to find. A search engine uses thousands of little bots called spiders to index the millions of web pages that are on the Internet. These spiders start at the most well known websites and work backwards following links and searching for common words and phrases. Every page that the spiders come across with those particular words on them is indexed and saved. Those pages are the ones that show up in the search engine results page when someone uses Google or another search engine to look for websites on a particular topic. The place where each site shows up in the search engine results page ranking is based on the content of the site, how many times particular words and phrases appear on the site and the relevance of the site to those search times. That is why search engine marketing depends so heavily on search engine optimization.

If you want your website to show up higher on the search engine results page then you use to use search engine marketing and search engine optimization techniques in order to get the spiders to notice your site and put your site higher on the search engine results page. People who are using a search engine to look for websites will rarely click to the second search engine results page. It's crucial that your site be on the first page of the search engine results page or people will probably not find your site. Using search engine marketing and search engine optimization is the best way to do that.

The number one rule to remember when you are planning out search engine marketing strategies or trying to figure out how use search engine optimization effectively on your website is that your website should have 100% original content. The spiders will place your site higher on the search engine results page if the content that is on your site is original. When websites duplicate copy the spiders pick up on the repeated phrases and language and will sometimes not index a site at all if the spider determines that the content is too similar to the content on another site.

Search engine optimization and search engine marketing is more than just taking one word or phrase and repeating it a certain number of times. The content on the site has to be fresh and engaging and also contain the keywords or key phrases that will bring traffic to the website.

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Fix Your Credit Report Now

By Glinda Y. Hersaw

If you want to establish a good credit rating, you need to fix your credit report. You may need a loan to buy a car, rent a place to live, or get certain jobs. There is a way to do this. The following are some tips that will help you fix your credit report.

Check Your Credit Reports

Most people still do not appreciate how important checking their credit report regularly is. In addition to concerns about identity theft, there is the very real possibility that your report contains errors.

An account may be in your report that belongs to someone else. This could happen if their name is similar to yours. You may have some negative information due to this, which will lower your credit score. This type of mistake will keep you from getting credit entirely or cause you to have to pay higher interest rates. If this happens, you need to fix your credit report

Keep accurate records

Keeping records is essential if you need to fix credit report. If you find information, you have questions about, make a hard copy and mark the suspicious items. Make copies of any proof you have of false charges. This will make it easier to fix credit.

Make a file and start adding everything related to the case into that file. You should also document any correspondence via the phone and print off copies of anything you receive via email regarding the matter. In a nutshell, credit repair can come down to a tough legal battle for which you need to be prepared.

Discuss your problem with the credit bureau

The next thing you need to do to fix your credit report is contact in writing all Credit Bureaus that have wrong information about your credit. Be specific; explain exactly what is wrong in the report and the reason why. Enclose any proof you have and a copy of the credit report. Make a copy of the letter and keep it for your records. It is highly recommended to send the letter by certified mail; you will know for sure they have received the letter and when it was delivered.

You can use some credit bureaus websites to report false information on your credit report. This is not a good idea. You can also do it by phone as opposed to putting your personal information on the internet. The best way to challenge the information on your credit report is by certified mail, as this will give you written proof of your dispute.

Contact the Creditor

Although you might think you only need to fix your credit report by talking to Equifax or one of the bureaus, you'll have the best luck if you also contact the creditor. Generally, you'll want to speak to the billing department because they are the ones providing the negative information or they can contact you with the correct people to talk to within the company. Remain calm and professional during the discussion. Try to keep in mind that most of these cases are not malicious; they are matters of misunderstanding. You won't accomplish anything by screaming at the people and losing your temper.

Wait for the results

After completing this process, wait and see what happens. If your credit report is corrected the credit bureau should send you a free report reflecting the changes. If you fail to fix credit report, go through the steps again until you have it all cleared up.

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