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Planning the Initial Details of Your Blog

By Caroline Middlebrook

When embarking on a new blogging project there are a few things that you'll need to think about early on. What are you going to name your blog? What topics will you blog about? How often will you publish posts? What kind of writing style will you use? In the remainder of this article I'll look at these questions more fully.

What Will Your Blog Be Called

When writing a blog, the first question you need to consider is whether the blog is primarily centered around your own writing or a specific topic. Many bloggers name their blogs after themselves such as 'Betty Boop' and others will name their blog based on the topic such as 'Cat Grooming World'.

Your choice here will depend on the aims of your blog. If you intend to use it to promote some kind of personal service then using your name can be a good idea because it will always remain relevant even if your services differ over time. If you're blogging about a specifc topic and you intend to monetize it via external methods then it can be better to use a name that is related to the topic.

What Topics Will You Blog About?

Some people find that their first blog starts out as a bit of a broad mish-mash of anything and everything they can think of and as such it ends up covering a large number of possibly unrelated topics. This is not really a good idea as most readers will only want to read a handful of your posts.

It is much better to spend some time outlining a small group of related topics to cover. You can then categorise your posts which makes it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.

Setting a Schedule for Blog Posts

Many people advise you to blog every day when launching a new blog with the theory being that the more you post the more people will come to your blog. However many blog readers find that blogs that post every day or even multiple times a day are simply too much and they can't keep up with them.

In my experience it doesn't really matter how often you post or on what days of the week etc. The most important factor is that whatever schedule you set for yourself, you try to stick to it and remain consistent. There are very successful bloggers that only post once per week and their readers look forward to reading their weekly post.

One trend that I see with many blogs is that the blogger starts out enthusiastically by posting every day or even many times per day but over time he either loses steam, finds it too time consuming or simply runs out of stuff to say and then the schedule starts to slip and the posts become less frequent. This is noticeable to the reader and it does not look good!

Personally, I would suggest the opposite approach - start off slowly with a nice gentle schedule that you know you can stick to. Over time if you feel you wish to do more then slowly increase it but don't do it the other way around!

Do You Have a Particular Writing Style?

Some people suggest that you alter your blogging style to fit your target audience but in my experience I find that it never works to try to blog in a style that is not uniquely you. Your blog is a reflection of you - your thoughts, your findings, your interests and passions.

I would recommend that you simply write in whatever way suits you. Everybody is different. Some people are conservative in their writing, others like to use language as a shock factor, some like controversy, others prefer a dry factual style. None of these are right or wrong - simply be who you are.

Similarly, I see people asking questions such as, how long should my posts be? This again is down to personal style though it is perhaps influenced by your posting frequency. Short, snappy posts may be best if you post very often but if you only post once per week you'll probably want to publish something with a bit more substance!

It really doesn't matter what your style is because the readers who like your style will stick around and subscribe and the ones who don't, wont! Simple as that really! There is no way that any single style is going to appeal to everybody so don't try! No matter what your posting style is, there will be people who like it and some who don't, but it never pays to try and be something that you are not.

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Movies Download Download A Movie

By Heard Kuroiwa

If you are looking to find some good movies, check out some reviews below. The big search engines are very helpful finding websites. Try "Watch Download Movies" in the search, or "Watch English Movies Online", and see what you find. You will be amazed at how many sites are out there, try "Watch Film Online" and see if you get better results.

Man in the Net: Fair tirade of a lad trying to rid himself of a murder charge for spouse's mortality. Cast includes Michael Curtiz, Alan Ladd, Carolyn Jones, Diane Brewster, Charles McGraw, John Lupton, and Tom HeImore. (97 minutes, 1959)

Wanted: A young office worker is torn from his boring life and thrown into a very different world. He is offered to follow in his father's footsteps, and join a secret league of assassins. He is then trained to kill, and carry out the assignments that are handed down.

Cheyenne Autumn: Spreading, choppy, although amusing John Ford Western, his last in regards to Cheyenne Indian tribe and its eventful voyage back to primordial settlement after being resettled by the government. This is Controller Ford's first film in Remembrance Valley. Avoid City pattern with Stewart as Wyatt Earp was cut after exclusive involvements. Cast includes John Ford, Richard Widmark, Carroll Baker, Karl Malden, Dolores Del Rio, Sal Mineo, Edward G. Robinson, James Stewart, Ricardo Montalban, Gilbert Roland, Arthur Kennedy, Patrick Wayne, Elizabeth Allen, Champ Jory, John Carradine, Mike Mazurki, and George O'Brien. (145 minutes, 1964)

Star Wars III; Revenge Of Sith: After years of batting General Grievous and his army of druids, the galaxy is growing tired. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are true heroes from these battles. This leads to a duel at the end that Obi-Wan must win.

Casino Royale: This is an old school James Bond adventure. The humor is gone, and a tough and gritty 007 is trying to take down Le Chiffre, the banker for terrorists. Bond must defeat Le Chiffre in a huge money poker tournament to help the C.I.A. capture him.

The Frozen Dead: Weird account of scientist Andrews who iced up group of top Nazis, now trying to refresh them and the Third Reich; careless production values harm story. This was originally filmed theatrically in black and white. Cast includes Dana Andrews, Anna Palk, Philip Gilbert, Kathleen Breck, Karel Stepanek, and Edward Fox. (95 minutes, 1996)

Beverley Hills Cop 3: Axel Foley is back in action. He witnesses his boss being murdered and immediately starts an investigation. This leads him back to L.A. where the clues lead him to a counterfeit ring run out of an amusement park.

Uncle Buck: Cindy Russell has to visit her sick father. Her only option for someone to watch her kids is good old Uncle Buck. Irresponsible Buck has to somehow pull himself together and take care of the kids for a few days.

About Last Night: This movie deals with the classic relationship issues of a young man trying to start a real relationship. As always, it is his trouble with commitment that is the wrench in the relationship. Can this couple move from the singles scene and become a loving couple? Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, and James Belushi, are the key players in this film. (1986 Drama)

Try a search phrase something like "Buy Movie". If a search does not yield a good result, try different searches. You might find what you are looking for with a search like "Buy Movie Downloads".

About the Author:

Frisbee Golf Courses

By Bobbie McKee

Do you know how to play disc golf or Frisbee Golf? Well, the game is very much similar to the normal golf game but you will not be using any golf ball or clubs. Disc golf makes use of a specially designed Frisbee. The main aim of the game is to get the Frisbee into several baskets with only a few throws as much as possible.

The best play to look for Frisbee golf courses is on the internet. With a quick search online, you will be able to find the nearest Frisbee Golf location in your area. The courses usually have 18 holes and a single game can take several hours. If you're a beginner, try to look for a disc golf course which only has fewer holes so that you can practice. Keep in mind though that the Frisbee golf courses are not created equal. Obstacles are placed in between basket and the tee and this can include cliffs, water, trees, high grass, etc; that's why it is very important to choose the appropriate Frisbee golf course. If you can find other disc golfers in your area, you can seek guidance from them.

So why should you play Disc Golf? There are some benefits of playing Frisbee Golf such as:

1. Disc golf is a great form of exercise. In a single game, you can spend a couple of hours walking. You can even skip or jog while retrieving the Frisbee. You will be able to burn some calories. Most disc golf players are not even aware that they are already getting enough exercise to maintain a physically fit body.

2. You can meet new friends and other people who have the same interests. Meeting new individuals and exchanging friendly conversation is a worthwhile experience.

3. Unlike the regular golf game, you can start playing this game with very minimal cost because all you need to purchase is a Frisbee golf disc. If you have ten bucks, you can already play Disc Golf. Some disc golf players tend to collect discs. As you get better in playing disc golf, you can start purchasing other accessories like bags and more discs.

When playing in the Frisbee golf courses, you have to observe proper etiquette. If you have trash, pick them up and throw them in the trash can. Don't leave cigarette butts, water bottles, and other trash on the courses. Suppose you're playing in a group and the game is a bit slow and there are other players waiting behind you. Allow them to play through so that they will not be wasting their time waiting until your group finishes the game. Make sure that you play carefully and cautiously. If your disc is about to hit another player, you can yell at them so that they can avoid being hit by the disc.

As you progress, you will be able to acquire other equipments like disc putters, fairway drivers, and many others. But you can start playing with just one disc and that's the best thing about Frisbee golf. Beginners can also take advantage of the 'set discs' sold in sports stores because the sets are quite affordable.

Play Frisbee golf now even if you only have one golf disc. You will surely have fun. Find a Frisbee golf course in your area now and play with other disc golf enthusiasts.

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