วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

How to Succeed in Opt in Email Campaign?

By Asem Eltaher

No one can deny that email marketing is one of the most robust marketing strategies that can bring your online business to the next level in the hope that it is properly used. On the other hand, the miss use of this strategy can destroy your name and eliminate it from the online marketing field. Here are my lessons learned for you.

Successful opt in email campaign results from the following points:

1. Choose a wise position for your sign up form on your website page. You should not nerve your visitors with a very noisy pop up sign up form makes them want to leave your page.

2. It is a good idea to spread out the existence of your mailing list through your daily business emails telling them gently about your new list. Do not forget to add a URL to this link at the end of your email so that it would be much easier for them to land directly at your sign up form.

3. Ask people directly for their permission if they do want to be subscribed on your opt in mailing list. Permission marketing avoids you of being suspected for SPAM and makes your opt in email campaign 100% legal.

4. Traditionally, internet users do not offer their email addresses juts for fun. No one would be happy to get 100s of emails on a daily bases. Therefore, they must see something different at your sign up form to offer you their contact details. To do so, clarify briefly and wisely what the win deal for them be if they join your list.

5. Use the feature of an automatic management system to welcome any new subscriber in your email marketing list with nice free information and tell him/her what to be expected in the next few days.

Please do not do this to succeed in your Opt-in Email Campaign:

1. In case that somebody wrote you an email asking about something, never add his email address automatically to your mailing list. This would be understood as miss use of the data unless you ask for his/her permission first to guarantee legal web marketing.

2. Purchase lists that you are not 100% sure that are opt-in. Otherwise, do not mail them until you are sure that they are ready to be mailed and permitted that.

3. Abuse peoples trust. This is a sure way to ruin your brand and you. Soon enough they will ignore your messages and your email campaign will fail.

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Advertising Tips - How to Create a Successful Advertising Plan

By Jan Maurer

Many factors have to be considered when making an advertising plan. Like the type of message to be delivered, the audience to be targeted, how they should be targeted, budget, etc. all of which depends on the nature of the advertisement.

Regarding the type of message to be delivered, try thinking from the point of the customer. What will impress him and catch his fancy. Note down points what the customer expects from the company and what advantage will he have when dealing with the company. Effort should be made to retain viewer or listener's or reader's interest in the advertisement until the end.

After creating the outline of the picture, pick lines that will actually attract the customer. The message shouldn't be long enough to bore the customer. Some advertisers are under the illusion that more the matter written, the better the message delivered. Usually they fear that they don't miss out any information.

For example, the heading of the advertisement shouldn't be just "We Sell Clothes", which is too precise. The liking of the people should be studied and the headline should be designed such that the customer feels that his needs are met. It should also take into consideration seasonal changes like If the season at that time is summer and there are lots of beaches around that area, the heading of the ad should be something like "Summer Clothes for Sale" or "Get the heat off ? Buy Swimwear". The body of the advertisement should talk of the necessities to switch to summer clothes like cotton clothing. It should discuss the health point of view too, like cotton cannot be used as swimwear as it will cause contamination, therefore the swimwear is made of synthetic material.

Ads are either traffic builder or relationship builders or reputation builder. Suppose the budget involved is less, the target should be relationship builder. Because once the customers are established, they will start trusting the company and won't switch to other companies. According to a research it takes ten percent less resources to retain existing customers than attracting new customer. If the focus is on brand recognition, the advertisement should be traffic building.

The next point is whether the advertiser wants quick results or long lasting results. If quick result is desired, then a time limit should be levied. Like in case of seasonal sales, the customer hurries to get advantage before the offer is over. So quick results are expected in this case. But the disadvantage with advertisement with time limit is that the customer are bound to forget about the product or the company within a short period and it doesn't creates a deep impact on the minds of the customer.

Competing against rival company's ad also contributes to a successful advertising plan. The power of the message should be compared to that of the competitors'. It doesn't mean that the advertiser should use the same plan like his competitor, it would look like imitation and effectiveness will be decreased. But the advertisement should be planned smartly via a different and effective path, to out-do the competitor's advertisement.

The description of the product is also very vital like suppose an advertisement is made for a restaurant, it will get customers immediately, if it is attractive. But if the advertisement is for a computer, it won't yield immediate results, as it's not every day that someone buys a computer.

If targeting for a higher impact, newsletter is the best bet. But if the newsletters are sent to the real potential customers, then this approach should be adopted for message delivery. It should only be opted be after thorough analysis, no matter what the budget is. Another important point is to always hire a professional advertiser or an ad writer because not hiring one will sometimes be more expensive and results in more losses.

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Break Into The Clickbank Inner Circle And JV With The Big Boys

By Wendy Makara

This article will benefit those internet marketing novices, intermediate marketers and even experienced marketers. Please read on...

There are many aspiring Internet Marketers out there that are struggling to work their way into the famed Internet Marketing Inner Circle. You may be one of them! You KNOW that there is money to be made in Internet Marketing, yet you still struggle to bring in the money month after month. What is stopping you from having the success you desire?

It's not like you don't have what it takes to make your share of that money. It just takes one break to launch your name onto the Internet Marketing circuit. With so many ways to make it to the top where do you start? Joint Venturing with the marketing experts is one road to take if you want to be successful.

So how do you get your name on the map?

There is another hot product created by Chris Freville called Clickbank Inner Circle that is skyrocketing into the Internet Marketing industry. It is a simple, easy to follow program that takes your hand from where you are right now... to seasoned, big-ticket marketer in no time at all. Imagine going from Grade One all the way to University in a second.

Talking of High School, do you remember the 'popular girl/boy' of your school? If you were a member of the 'popular' group then you know what you gained - popularity. Well just like popularity, the real money doesn't start rolling in until you become a member of the Inner Circle 'clique'. Just by following this program you will learn how to propel yourself past your competition, into the most powerful and biggest clique in marketing - The Clickbank Inner Circle.

This system will get the novice and intermediate marketer up to speed and then go much further. Even the experienced marketer will learn a few tricks with Clickbank Inner Circle.

By following this step-by-step program you will end up breaking into the Clickbank Inner Circle. By doing so, you will have all the benefits that comes with having fellow marketers with some very big lists, endorsing both you and your new product and mailing for you every time you bring out a new product.

In return there are 3 things to gain:

1. Lots of Income

2. A huge list to mail to indefinitely

3. Solid relationships with your fellow marketers that will support you EVERY TIME.

Furthermore, what really makes all the difference to your success is by having a successul product launch with lots of top name joint venture partners on board.

How are these joint venture partners found? Well you just need the Clickbank Inner Circle Program....

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