วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Rich People Have Big Libraries; Poor People Have Big TVs

By Rob Walcher D.C.

Thinking Rich!

Have you come to the conclusion that now is the time for you to up the ante and play with the big dogs making the real money that would change your life? You are probably sick of earning the simple paycheck that takes you week to week without having any extra left over to do the stuff you really want to do. You are desperate to turn things around for yourself!

If that describes you, there are some questions you will need to face squarely and answer honestly.

If you were to become a wealthy millionaire, would you know how to act like one? How to the really big earners think? What are the big differences between the rich and the poor?

Your answers to all three are probably similar.

Millionaires like to buy rich and fancy houses and cars. Really big earners have nothing else to think about except the amount of money they have and all the fantastic ways they can spend it. The only difference between the rich and poor is that the rich have money.

If you want to be wealthy (rich) doesn't it stand to reason that you would learn how wealthy people think? And learn how they are different? To believe you become truly wealthy just because you gain a ton money; is similar to thinking you are an expert sky diver just because you know how to strap on a parachute. There's so much more to it!

If you can't beat them, join them

If you wanted to ride in a rodeo you would probably have to start hanging out with cowboys. Obviously it would be in your best interest to learn the ropes from people who have been there, done that! Just because you want to be a cowboy, doesn't mean you are, right?

That being said, it is obvious that in order to be wealthy or rich and to learn about how rich and wealthy people think you need to learn from other wealthy people. You need to learn what makes them like you and what sets them apart. Just because you flew on a plane doesn't mean you're a pilot. The same holds true with money. Just because you are able to make a boat load of money doesn't mean you will be and stay wealthy.

Let's be clear on one thing. People who are rich are wealthy on two levels. We are not just talking monetarily. Rich people have an attitude that makes them inwardly and outwardly wealthy. Most rich people can rebuild their circumstances at any time simply because they are fulfilled with a mind set that qualifies them to be rich.

Wealthy people are solutions-minded; problems are just an annoying bump in the road. Poor people crash at the first sign of a problem - they were sure it wouldn't work all along. The problem proved them right!

Wealthy people are big thinkers; they aren't afraid of a few extra zeroes in their income level. Poor people think small - after all, it's safer that way.

There is a time for everyone to start a new process of thinking. If these ideas seem new to you, then NOW is your time to make changes that will help you to think and act like a rich/wealthy person. Waste no more time and begin today.

By living through the words of philosopher Jim Rohn who says

" We all have two choices, we can make a living or we can design a life."

It's pretty obvious that wealthy, successful people have chosen the latter. Which will you choose?

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