วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Could Your Affiliate Marketing Use A Boost?

By George Wendtz

Hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't contact me to ask me about their website. They generally state that they have just started with affiliate marketing and they're wondering why they aren't seeing any sales. Usually after a brief glance at their website I can tell them exactly why they're not seeing any income from their affiliate programs.

I usually know without visiting their websites what the problem is. That's because I continue to see it time and time again. The reason is because many of these beginners are taking the advice of people who have never made a dime with affiliate programs. You see, there is a whole industry out there made up of people who couldn't hack it in affiliate marketing so they turned to selling crap to Noobs. Noobs don't know any better so they make excellent targets to be taken advantage of.

I jotted down a few thoughts that will help you make more money with your affiliate marketing.

First, take a long hard look at the affiliate program you're pushing. Is it really something that the masses will want? If you pushing a specialty item, you have to know that many people may not want to buy your new and improved Chia pet.

Another mistake I see is Newbies trying to out sell major companies. Sure, the Internet is a great equalizer, but you have to have the experience and resources if you plan on taking on a big corporation with a nearly unlimited advertising budget. You'll be better off targeted something that isn't being sold 24/7 over radio, TV, print media and Cable outlets.

One of the biggest mistakes I see Noobs make is that they give up too soon. Affiliate marketing is a long term project and you should never enter this business thinking you're going to strike it rich over night. When I start a website, I expect it to take at least 6 months to become productive if it's in a low competition market. 12 to 18 momths if it is in a very competitive market. Sure, you can take a shortcut and use pay per click ad programs like Google Adwords, but you'd better have deep pockets and know what you're doing!

Another common mistake I see beginners make is driving the wrong type of traffic to their affiliate offers. It doesn't matter if you have the best deal on the Internet, if you're driving people who have no use or who are not in the buying mode, then your efforts are going to fail. As the old saying goes, sell to people who are wanting to buy your product! If you're driving hordes of Social traffic to your site and wondering why you're not making the sales, it's because Social traffic does not convert well. These people are just surfing the Internet looking for something to read, they're not in the buying mode. Organic search engine traffic converts much better.

One last thing I see beginners fail to do is pre-sell their products and offers. What will make someone buy from you rather than them continue to shop for the best deals on the Internet? You have to convince the traffic that you get that they need to buy right then. If you're unsure of how to do this, read several books on copywriting or have it done for you.

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