วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Best Way to Recession Proof Your Life

By Riche Goldmann

The current state of the U.S. economy is not good and has everyone looking scared. Even people who have steady and secure 9 to 5 jobs are anxious about the markets. The values of peoples' homes are constantly falling and unemployment is high. There is no doubt that we are living in uncertain times. But take this opportunity to review your options and your assets because there are several things you can do to keep from getting caught up in the world that surrounds you.

Start by Making Lifestyle Changes Revisit Your Bottom Line: Avoid activities that can get you further into debt. Postpone vacations, new car purchases and other debt creating activities; instead work on making a dent in your debt. Some experts even recommend pulling funds from emergency funds to keep your debts paid off. If your debt is overwhelming consider taking a home equity loan to act as a buffer in the case of an emergency.

Use Cash to Win: If you are having problems with your cash flows, think about taking a second job to help build up your emergency fund. Cash is king in any economy, but especially in a recession. A lack of cash limits that types of things people can purchase and is always accepted everywhere. In fact, some small businesses will offer discounts to those who pay cash for goods and services instead of paying with a debit or credit card.

Modify Shopping Habits: Stop purchasing brand name products. When you go to the grocery store or pharmacy, buy generic or off -brand drugs and foods instead of the name brands. They are just as good as their brand name competitors and are a lot cheaper. The amount of savings you'll gain on this minor adjustment could be as much as several hundred dollars a month.

Think About Getting a Second Job There are absolutely so many different options out there for people who want to earn money outside of their 9 to 5 jobs. These opportunities may offer you the chance to turn your hobbies into cash. For instance, if you enjoy sewing, you could make custom clothing for people or customer drapes. If you enjoy kids, you could have a babysitting service on the weekends. If cooking tickles your fancy, then you might consider a small catering business. The point is the possibilities are endles; you just have to be creative.

If you really want to start your side business, take it seriously. Set up an office space at home where you can be organized and professional. You want a space where you can come up with marketing strategies and plans. Invest a little cash in your business. Make sure you get business cards, which you can order online at VistaPrint. They will also help you create other marketing tools that will help make your business look legitimate and professional. Remember branding and professionalism are both really important to your success. For a very small fee, VistaPrint can help get your business off the ground.

Though the current state of the economy doesn't look great, and even though the media will tell you that there are no opportunities out there, pay little attention. You would be surprised at how much opportunity there is and how much money you can make if you simply try. Look ahead to the future, pay off your debt, and invest a little money in yourself. Together with VistaPrint, you could make yourself a small fortune!

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