วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Do Social Networks Mean in Business?

By Mad I.M Marketer

The Internet has brought a lot of new ways of doing business and marketing. The ability to reach out to millions of potential customers around the world has change many business and created new forms of it.

However your business has to keep up with the technology. Fail to keep up and you will lose business. One of the biggest changes of recent times are social networks. People no longer just look for information, they want to communicate. Their attention span has shortened and they don't want to see long sales letters anymore. They want someone who can respond to them.

Relationship with the customers is not a new concept in business. In order to dominate in their markets businesses have learned to listen to their customers and fulfill their needs. But that's process is difficult and expensive with the old methods. These methods are slow and expensive. That's why every business has always sought how to improve that and get better results with less investments.

The Internet as medium has already given the means to establish such communication. It has become a standard and a must for anu business in order to survive, therefore it's no longer enough to dominate your competition. Social network have created the new opportunity for those business that are innovative and react fast.

In social networks, we have a live, vibrant and responsive community. It is as easy to communicate as in a party with friends. That's in essence a dream of every marketer. To have a hungry crowd at their finger tips, to know what the crowd wants and to be able to give that to them any time.

As good as it sounds, though, there are obstacles a marketer must defeat. Finding the right communities and establishing a relationship with them is a difficult task. the big social networks have strict rules that limit the freedom to do business, and creating a private network takes a lot of effort and time.

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