วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Set Up A Conference Call

By Richard Arnesdale

Conference calls are an incredibly useful business tool. Having a meeting over the phone, by video or online can save in both time and travel costs and can be a quick and easy way of organizing meetings at a moment's notice for people all over the world. So, how do you set up a conference call?

If you only need to hold a small audio conference call between two or three people then your existing office phone system will probably serve your needs quite well. Most phones nowadays have some kind of conference call facility that could be useful to you here. The way to set up these calls will not necessarily be the same with every phone system so you will need to check out how to do this from your own phone manual.

In many cases, however, businesses that make regular conference calls on a large scale will also/instead opt to use a call company who can manage their needs and facilitate their calls. There are many different providers on the market offering a range of options. The most common option here is audio conferencing where you have your conference call on the phone.

Set up options here will vary from provider to provider and you can generally choose how to manage your calls to suit you. So, for example, you might set up a service where you organize the whole event yourself. You may or may not need to make a reservation for the time you need -- again, this will depend on the company that you choose.

In most cases here the conference call provider will simply give you a number to call to access the conference line or bridge. Once you have dialed this number you will then enter the access code that the company also gives you to set up the line. Then, anyone else participating in the call dials the same number and enters their own access code and you'll all be hooked up.

Some conference call providers also offer the option of having an operator involved in setting up and managing the call. Here, for example, you could have the call provider's operator actually call up each of the people taking part and add them to the line/bridge for you.

Some operator managed systems will also give you a range of additional features. So, for example, the operator could also record the call, offer translation services and manage the way that the call runs. Some companies offering this service will then provide audio recordings and/or written minutes of the conference call which can save you time and allow you to concentrate on the call itself.

Bear in mind that you will pay more for conference calls with operator assistance and these kinds of call may need to be reserved in advance. Some companies opt for providers with a basic service for their everyday needs and then pay extra for operator assistance if and when they need it.

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