วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hypnotic Speech Use

By Rob Andrews

Language is indeed powerful. In fact, you unknowingly show others how you view the world by the words you use when speaking.

Experts tell us that people not only use language to describe the world they see, but language and the words used actually help to create the world people experience.

How so?

Our subconscious mind loves consistency and so will try to interpret what it experiences in a way consistent with the words we use.

Just like your subconscious is affected by what you say, so too other people are affected by what you say. So this very powerful tool on the tip of your tongue can also be used to persuade other people to view the world how you want them to view it.

Here's how you do this.

You can use language to hypnotize people you talk to. What I mean is that you can actually speak to the subconscious mind when you use the correct words and speak in the right tones. By doing this you have a huge ability to help people see things your way and even change how they see the world around them.

So you can subliminally influence how people act and think by planting certain hypnotic seeds in their mind during an otherwise normal conversation.

So what are the "right things to say?

Speaking to the subconscious mind is easier than you'd think. The world renowned hypnotist, Milton Erickson, pioneered a model for conversational hypnosis involving three stages:

Stage 1.

Look for clues that tell you how the person sees the world, or a specific problem you are working on. Pay attention to the language the person uses. How does he describe what he is feeling, seeing, hearing, etc. Once you see the patterns then you can use the persons experiences to gently draw their attention away from the outside world and into their own inner experience.

One way to do this is to ask questions like What was that like for you? or How do you feel about that?

This focusing inward allows them to understand how seeing the world the way they do makes them feel.

Stage 2.

The second part of the Milton Model is to distract the conscious mind. Milton did this by using very complex and ambiguous language.

Milton Erickson spoke using words sounding very similar, but with entirely different meanings. A few good examples are here/hear, write/right, wonder/wander and sale/sail.

Milton deployed double binds to present only the set of options he desired. He'd say things like: We don't know if you'll begin a trance not or in 10 minutes.

This kind of language gives the mind no choice but to fall into a trance, and it uses an embedded command to do so now, or in 5 minutes.

Incorrectly using words, distracts and confuses the conscious brain and causes it to turn inward for help from the subconscious brain.

Well, that's a couple Milton Model techniques of mind distraction. I really don't know if you would want to learn a lot more about the Milton Model of conversational hypnosis now or later :)

Stage 3.

After the conscious mind has been distracted, the last stage of the Milton Model is to access the resources of the subconscious mind.

You can do this in a couple of ways. The most basic is by embedding commands in questions or sentences, so that they are not too obvious to the conscious mind, but are very obvious to the subconscious mind.

Some examples are things like:

--I don't know if you will do the dishes now --You can do this, can't you? --You will do that, haven't you? (Yes, this is intentional it makes no sense to your conscious mind, but it does make sense to your subconscious)

You may be wondering, if I just say some confusing sentences to other people and use embedded commands, can i get them to do what I want them to?

The answer is maybe

The critical point about conversational hypnosis is that someone will only go along with your commands if they don't try to make her break her values and genuine beliefs.

Although you can certainly speak to someone's subconscious using Milton Model techniques, it will take quite a bit more than some conversational hypnosis to change her values.

Practicing the Milton Model, you can become quite good at applying conversational hypnosis to make embedded commands to covertly influence those around you.

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