วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Economic Recovery is in Sight

By Wade Henderson

There is little surprise that the public in general is getting more optimistic about the economy.

According to the NY Times: Americans have grown more optimistic about the economy and the direction of the country in the 11 weeks since President Obama was inaugurated, suggesting that he is enjoying some success in his critical task of rebuilding the nations confidence, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Most of the political parties are now coming in line with the idea that we are on our way to a recovery. This in of itself will help to stimulate the economy. Public perspective is more important that the measures taken by President Obama in reality. And his actions impact the point-of-view the public has. The better we all think things are, the better they will be. It is a true self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Business Financial Lending has been picking up over the last 11 weeks in general. Even before the stimulus packages were rolled out, the general hope that people have for the economy was creating more business but it is far from enough.

More and more businesses need to take action and start buying so that others will start selling and then your company in turn will start selling more.

There are many companies that have put their purchases on hold and that is what helps to stall the economy. The public and businesses need to start buying so they can start selling.

While President Obama is doing an amazing job of damage control in the economy, he can not just fix it. No matter how magical he may seem, we all need one another to get ourselves out of this mess.

You can be sure that once everyone does start buying and selling again, there will be a long term effect on how we spend and buy and hopefully we will learn from our mistakes and not be so short sighted. We all need to contribute. Not talking about digging a financial hole for yourself, but do what you can. It will hurt a bit, but it will hurt a lot more if we do not.

Those companies that have been patching that machine up for the 15th time or cut back on the workforce because there is no more room in the building need to do what is best for their business and get these things taken care of properly. Replace that machine, do that addition or buy that other building. Prices for these things has fallen drastically from only a year or two ago. This is your opportunity to make a good business decision so make it count!

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