วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get an Impressive Online Presence and a Sideline Business to Boot.

By Owen Jones

Have you already got a business? A conventional, bricks-and-mortar business, I mean. Or are you trying to make some money advertising generic sites with only an affiliate link? Both of these types of business usually have something in common: that is that their online presence is disappointing.

Many business owners and affiliate site promoters do not understand that a poor website does more harm than good. A business owner who has created a website on Geofreebies or one of the other free webspace providers is essentially doing the same as someone who only promotes an affiliate link on an automatically generated replicated affiliate webpage.

The problem is that it is obvious what those websites are: cheap and nasty and unfortunately, that reflects on the business and the business owner both. The same goes for email addresses. Just consider, what looks better to you:


amiable-dragon123456@yahoo.com or



It is all too obvious which looks more professional; which gives more confidence and which would bring in more customers and so more sales and Im sure that there is no one in the world who would disagree with that.

The next thing to think about is the extension " ie the letters after the . or the @. .com probably surely still carries the most prestige, but it no longer has the lead it used to have. .tv, .biz, .info have their places, I'm suppose, but they do not really have the same cachet as 'dot com'. However, there is another problem with .com and that is that it has been around since the dawn of the Internet and very many of the name combinations have already been taken up.

I reckon that .ws is a very viable way out of this problem. You might imagine it standing for web site, however it actually stands for Western Samoa! It is a relatively new suffix and many, many combinations of names are still available. I am sure you would still be able to get the address you want. Something else you may not realize is that when you buy your own domain name, you can create any email address out of it by putting anything you like instead of the http://www and replacing the DOT with an @ sign. Look at the address above again for a real example.

Then you have to find a host for your domain and administer the site and email addresses. The fees are usually paid annually in advance for the name and monthly for the hosting, both payments going to different companies quite often. However, there is now a very professional company on the market which is offering a website, with a name of your choice and ten variable email addresses and a free website design service and all you pay is only $10 a month to one firm for the lot. There is no contract and you can leave at any time or change the email or website addresses.

That is a very good deal for a business website (think of: sales@....; info@....), a family website (everyone can have their own email) or an affiliate website (using redirects). But that is not all there is to it! You can actively promote the host company or just put a referral link to it on your website and make cash, month after month in perpetuity from referrals for no extra work on your part! And if you use the link below, you will get a weeks free trial and three paying members in your downline, subject to a condition, or your first months $10 paid for by us.

That cant be bad can it? Five weeks free trial of your own domain, hosted on your own site, with 10 email address or a free week with three members paying you $3 a month to start your affiliate business off with a bang!

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