วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Explain RSS

By Samo Yanezic

When someone asks you to explain how RSS feeds work, how do you respond? Perhaps you fumble about, unsure, you may even try to flub it a bit to look like you understand ti completely. Maybe you just go directly to a web site that will give you the definition. Whatever the case, if you find it difficult to explain RSS feeds easily, you may not be able to explain it thoroughly.

If you, like so many people, are trying to draw attention to your site or blog online, chances are that you won't accomplish that goal unless you have set up an RSS feed for your site. When you think about just what an RSS feed can do for you, it makes perfect sense. In fact, it won't take long to realize that it is a very basic, simple way to get readers and attract traffic.

The first thing to consider when explaining RSS feeds is knowing what the acronym actually stands for. The answer may surprise you. It is not a complex, technical term, it simply means Really Simply Syndication.

In this case, syndication simply means creating media and making it more accessible in several different avenues. Now, you should not mistake this to mean that you are changing media, although that can certainly be done. Think about it this way: the comics in the paper are syndicated. They are run in several different papers all over the country or even the world. You can bring this concept to your work and distribute it world wide as well.

Now that the term RSS feed has been defined, the next logical question would pertain to its relevance. Actually, RSS feeds have only gained importance over the last few years. As the internet has grown and matured, more and more people have created blogs and media sites. These sites are updated and checked on a regular basis, often daily. Many people have several sites that they manage, so webmasters are seeking ways to attract traffic to their sites, with as little pointing and clicking as possible.

They would love to be able to go to one site and to get all the news and writing that they want in that one place, and this is why it is so important to explain RSS, especially to new web marketers.

Once you begin using an RSS feed, you should understand what that means. Simply speaking, it means that the products you create will be zipped directly to someone's personal reading list. Instead of being burdened with remembering that they must click on your site or visit your blog to see updates and new content, all they have to do is go to their reading list. Essentially, your material is delivered directly to them.

What happens next is that your feed will become meshed with their daily activities and interests. In short, you will become a part of their daily routine. Your next move is to consider just how you can capitalize on this and make the most of it.

Setting up your own RSS feed is very easy. Many established sites, such as MySpace and Blogspot already have RSS feed options in place. If you are already blogging on these sites, it can be very easy to set up your feed.

If this sounds like an avenue that could prove beneficial for you, take some time to research RSS feeds, learn the ins and outs and know just what impact it can have on your site. Then you are ready to roll.

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