วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Reasonably Priced Trucking Insurance

By Steve Turner

Trucking insurance coverage does have a higher premium associated with it than does regular auto insurance. Despite this fact it is still possible to get a great rate. With the competition of the insurance market so fierce right now, those looking for trucking insurance coverage are still able to get a cheap rate.

Your insurance provider may offer you a discount on your policy if you have not had an accident or speeding ticket in the last 5 years. Further savings may also be offered to senior citizens.

Using only one insurance provider for all of your insurance coverage will save you money. Many providers offer discounts for having more than one type of coverage on your policy, such as combining your trucking and home owners insurance coverage.

You will save money on your policy if you choose to increase your deductibles. By raising the deductible from $100 to $500 your premium may go down by 10%. Raising it up to $1,000 could decrease your premium by as much as 25%.

It can be scary to think of being able to come up with the high amount of deductible that could save you the most on your policy. To put your mind at ease, create a savings account and make monthly deposits until the balance reaches your deductible amount and then leave it there for when needed.

Only file claims for damages that are over the deductible by quite an amount. If you file for every little thing, then your insurance company will greatly increase your premium rates.

Every company offers different discounts. While you are shopping around ask each agent what discount that they offer and do what you can to be able to qualify for all that are available.

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