วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

You Can Double Your Income By Learning From Joseph Kennedy & Warren Buffett

By Raymond Aaron

The Story of Joseph Kennedy

Joseph Kennedy was a stock market investor in the late 1920's. One day, in the Summer of 1929, he overheard an elevator boy boasting about how much money he had made in the stock market. Joseph Kennedy reasoned that if totally-uneducated low-income employees have now been attracted to the stock market, then the prices must be at their all-time highest. So, he raced to the floor of the stock exchange and famously yelled: SELL! For months, his friends laughed at him as prices kept rising and rising and rising. Then, one day, October 29, 1929, the market crashed. Joseph Kennedy and his family were safe. They had no money whatsoever in the market.

Mr. Kennedy waited. Prices fell and fell. In 1932, he bought a retail chain at pennies on the dollar, actually at a 95% discount. He managed that brilliant purchase into a mega-fortune. His wealth will last forever - because he had the will and knowledge to go against the grain. He played the INNER game instead of just reading the headlines.

Joseph Kennedy SOLD when everyone was buying. Then, he BOUGHT when the Depression was at its very worst. He made a gigantic fortune BECAUSE of The Great Depression. We are not in a Depression now, but we are in a serious Recession. And, you can make your fortune right now - BECAUSE of the Recession.

Warren Buffett Reveals His Lessons

Buffett is the greatest stock investor of all time. But, in Sep 2008, something happened. The financial markets crashed and banks failed -- banks which had survived a decade of The Great Depression. Huge financial organizations failed. The Big 3 Auto Manufacturers are on the verge of failing. In the midst of this disaster, Buffett was quoted in gleefully exclaiming: "I've been waiting for this day for ten years!" Warren Buffet knew the secret - that the flip side of financial disaster is gigantic opportunity.

What both Kennedy and Buffett taught us is that NOW the time to seize opportunities. What others call a "lousy" economy, the wisest businessmen know is the greatest opportunity. Seize it!!

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