วันพุธที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Cost Of Finding New Clients Costing To Much, Look At This

By Terry Stanfield

Tough times causes anyone to look more closely at the bottom line and how any resources can be changed to improve profits. A prospecting company can be one such resource. This article will explain why you will want to look at a prospecting company to gain more sales at a lower cost.

Outbound telemarketing firms focus on the activity most people hate. One of the hardest jobs for any salesperson is to do prospecting. Using a prospecting firm can allow your salespeople to focus on current customers and their needs so that business can increase both with current customers and with new customers.

Using a prospecting company can allow you to spend less time on the phone with uninterested customers. You can focus yourself on those activities which help grow your business.

Many businesses do not have a very unstable business pipeline. Using a prospecting company can keep the sales pipeline full so that more sales can increase as a result of this full pipeline.

One of the first areas of spending any business cuts during a recession is marketing. If you have to cut your marketing spending, you can reallocate dollars to outbound telemarketing and increase your sales at a lower cost to your marketing dollars.

Tough times dictates that you must be extremely attentive to how you spend your marketing dollars. Using an outbound telemarketing company can allow you to track your dollars closely and help you increase sales while spending the amount of money available in your marketing budget.

Businesses or individuals often are more receptive to ways to save money during a recession. an outbound telemarketing company can have greater success due to this cost consciousness during tough times than during an economic boom.

Companies try to reduce all expenditures during a recession simply to maintain their current business. This offers you the opportunity to build your business by using an outbound prospecting company because few of your competitors will be attempting to acquire new business.

Studies have been done showing that those companies who maintained and increased marketing during a recession enjoyed an explosion of natural growth well beyond those which reduced expenditures. Using an outbound telemarketing company will put you in this path of great natural growth because prospects are aware of what you have to offer.

Prospecting firms focus on telemarketing and this is an area most salespeople struggle. Using these specialists means that the number of calls can increase with the quality and quantity of prospects greatly increased. If you want to grow sales but at a reasonable cost, you will look closely at how much it costs to get a new client. It is necessary to try different tactics to lower this figure and outbound telemarketing firms is a tactic you can watch and carefully measure.

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Make Money Blogging - Expert WordPress Product Review

By Matt Murdock

The Expert WordPress Blog System is made of two packages:

1. The Basic Package ($27) and

2. The Monthly Membership Upgrade Platinum Offer Do Not Buy This!

The Gold Package will help you get your Wordpress blog setup and configured quickly, not by some Instruction Manual but through an Installer software program and videos to explain the process.

The Platinum Package which is an upgrade option will help you move beyond the basic installation, it will help you Learn How To Blog and How To Create Good Content for your blog -- something that most beginning bloggers desperately need.

The Expert WordPress Blog System was created by Alex Sysoef and Dimitriy Agadzhanov. It is an Excellent product that was designed to be used for the beginner blogger, for the Newbies who wants to learn blogging.

There are hundreds of different ways to put up your blog, Alex and Dimitriy chose, what I think is, the most popular and powerful WordPress software system, a software program which you must install yourself to use.

There are two ways in installing Wordpress to your website, one is either by uploading it yourself to your website using an FTP or by using an installation software called "Fantastico" which is usually provided by your web hosting server.

The Ugly -- After installing Wordpress by using "Fantastico" you then need to Select a theme for your website,Upload this theme and activate it, Select some plugins, Upload these plugins and activate them, Insert some advertising codes into your website, Configure your blog so that it is working the way you want it to, and so on and so forth......

The Good -- By loading the Expert WordPress software installer into your website you only have to 1. Fill in some fields 2. Select a blog header image, 3. And zippity-zap! You are done. This is what you get in the Expert WordPress Basic package.

The Bad -- If you also want to Learn how to blog, Learn how to bring traffic, Learn how to use web 2.0, Learn how to make money blogging, etc., Then you may want to BUY the Expert WordPress Platinum membership site, the site has tons of videos for you to watch and help you master the art of blogging. I say Do Not Buy it!

Final Conclusion -- If you feel that installing your blog is too technical for you, and that you want a very appealing blog, Expert WordPress is the product for you. But if you also want to learn how to blog, then you will need to upgrade to the monthly Platinum package, or get Expert WordPress Gold and supplement it with another blogging course that I have reviewed on my website.

Are Claims Made on Sales Page Met? -- Yes, the Gold Offer will install for you in just a few minutes a fully configured blog.

Ease of Use -- The Expert Wordpress software is very easy to use if you can read simple English and type.

Customer Service -- Quick and helpful responses.

Value for Your Money -- The Gold Offer which is being sold for $27 is very good, since you will be saving a considerable amount of time installing a fully-functional blog in minutes.

Overall Rating -- The Gold package is great if you want to quickly install your blog.

Do not Buy the upgrade Platinum package, I suggest that you choose a supplementary product from the other products that I reviewed.

Authors -- Alex Sysoef with Dmitriy Agadzhanov

Package -- Expert Wordpress software, Explanatory videos, Support system and members-only forum, 30 bonus WordPress themes, Podcasting Made Easy e-book, RSS Announcer tool, Web 2.0 Resource Bible

Price -- US$27.00 Basic Package; Do not buy the Upgrade Platinum Offer

Return policy -- 8 weeks, no questions asked

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วันอังคารที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

How to use RSS to Enhance Your Business

By Lynette Chandler

Did you know there are lots of ways RSS can be used for your business? Here are some example uses that you may not know about. Quick note: Some can be easily abused so use them wisely, if you use it.

Twitter - new tweets can be made automatically after you have made a post. There is many possibilities to use this technique, but one of the most popular ways is to use Twitterfeed.

Facebook: Create updates when you make new posts. There are applications you can use to do this. I've found Facebook apps to be very flaky but one that seems to work is My Blogs.

Widgets: design a special widget related to your blog. The widget could then be displayed on their own blogs or even on their desktop. This can easily be done with Spring Widgets or Google Gadgets.

File delivery: If you are already publishing a podcast, then it should be easy to start offering PDF documents or video downloads via RSS.

Create affiliate branded RSS feeds: Let affiliates display your blog content and let them be rewarded for it. I've created a custom feed for my affiliates, which contains the affiliate's ID.

Deal finder: we all like to save money, especially when it comes to spending money on our business. Large online stores like Amazon or shop.com offer "deal of the day" or similar offers. These offers can be subscribed to your feed reader, so they will display as soon as they are available.

Package tracking: have your RSS feed update to alert you to the status of your deliveries. Use a solution like SimpleTracking.com.

Yahoo Answers: Certain marketers know the usefulness of giving helpful advice to questions raised on Yahoo answers. To make this easier, you can subscribe to an RSS feed on the category most related to your field of work or product line.

Blog tracking - There are times when e-mail servers as a delays or are under maintenance. An alternative to e-mail is using RSS. Most blogging accounts Offer the option of an RSS feed. For example, if you use WordPress blog, the feed will usually be located at http://yourblog.com/comments/feed/ or http://yourblog.com/?feed=comments-rss2.

Competition - keep an eye on your competitors, and find out their activities on social networks videos and blogs. A good option for this is FriendFeed.

Industry watch - there is an option with the Yahoo or MSN search engine's, where you can type a phrase that suits your interests, and if you are using IE 7 or Firefox, an RSS feed icon will appear. If you click this icon you will subscribe to the keyword feed.

Advertise: While I personally have not done any RSS advertising, I have displayed ads in RSS feeds. The click through ratios for that one site performed better compared to web site click through. You can advertise on RSS feeds through Text-Link-Ads, Pheedo and FeedBurner.

Service status update: keep your clients and customers in the know by displaying your service status via RSS feed. This is especially useful for those that offer web hosting, shopping carts or payment gateways.

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