วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Trading with Control

By Bart Icles

The important of consistency in trading is huge. You can score big once but if you dont know what you are doing then you take that money and wait for luck to come back and help you. Luck is more unpredictable then the weather and so if it is the tool you rely on when you are trading then your account will suffer.

If you want to survive forex trading you have to be willing to learn the basics and work hard to study them. It takes a dedicated mind and a wide range of skills that you are willing to analyze and perfect. The basics of forex are where it is at. You shouldnt have a strategy that makes you wonder what is going on, you should understand the strategy from top to bottom and feel confident in it.

A consistent standard of excellence is what is going to turn you into a forex trader and not just a gambler. You have all kinds of emotion and struggle to overcome, such as greed, fear, frustration, and more. In trading you have to be at the peak of your game, ready to make decisions based on what you have studied not on what you feel or think should happen.

One of the hardest lessons for young traders to learn is that the market is going to do what it wants. You cant sit and try and manipulate it, instead you have to respect and play by its rules. Thinking clearly is critical. I would strongly recommend not trading if you are really tired, really sick or really emotional. Those extremes will make your mind weak and you will make decisions you otherwise wouldnt.

If you learn to control your emotions and your fears then you will be able to be very successful in forex. As a forex trader you will face a multiplicity of emotions because of how closely money is tied to many of the activities we are involved in. When we learn to look at money that we are trading as an asset and resource rather than a lifeline a lot of the stress we have will decrease and we will begin to trade moe unbiased.

Money management is the true name of this game in trading. Mastering money management will give you the edge over many and most of the traders out there. Most beginner traders jump into a trade without really thinking about the strategy they have been practicing instead only about the emotion, excitement and adrenaline they feel. Trading with the basics and by the rules you set will be a powerful skill for you.

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You Can Double Your Income By Learning From Joseph Kennedy & Warren Buffett

By Raymond Aaron

The Story of Joseph Kennedy

Joseph Kennedy was a stock market investor in the late 1920's. One day, in the Summer of 1929, he overheard an elevator boy boasting about how much money he had made in the stock market. Joseph Kennedy reasoned that if totally-uneducated low-income employees have now been attracted to the stock market, then the prices must be at their all-time highest. So, he raced to the floor of the stock exchange and famously yelled: SELL! For months, his friends laughed at him as prices kept rising and rising and rising. Then, one day, October 29, 1929, the market crashed. Joseph Kennedy and his family were safe. They had no money whatsoever in the market.

Mr. Kennedy waited. Prices fell and fell. In 1932, he bought a retail chain at pennies on the dollar, actually at a 95% discount. He managed that brilliant purchase into a mega-fortune. His wealth will last forever - because he had the will and knowledge to go against the grain. He played the INNER game instead of just reading the headlines.

Joseph Kennedy SOLD when everyone was buying. Then, he BOUGHT when the Depression was at its very worst. He made a gigantic fortune BECAUSE of The Great Depression. We are not in a Depression now, but we are in a serious Recession. And, you can make your fortune right now - BECAUSE of the Recession.

Warren Buffett Reveals His Lessons

Buffett is the greatest stock investor of all time. But, in Sep 2008, something happened. The financial markets crashed and banks failed -- banks which had survived a decade of The Great Depression. Huge financial organizations failed. The Big 3 Auto Manufacturers are on the verge of failing. In the midst of this disaster, Buffett was quoted in gleefully exclaiming: "I've been waiting for this day for ten years!" Warren Buffet knew the secret - that the flip side of financial disaster is gigantic opportunity.

What both Kennedy and Buffett taught us is that NOW the time to seize opportunities. What others call a "lousy" economy, the wisest businessmen know is the greatest opportunity. Seize it!!

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Reasonably Priced Trucking Insurance

By Steve Turner

Trucking insurance coverage does have a higher premium associated with it than does regular auto insurance. Despite this fact it is still possible to get a great rate. With the competition of the insurance market so fierce right now, those looking for trucking insurance coverage are still able to get a cheap rate.

Your insurance provider may offer you a discount on your policy if you have not had an accident or speeding ticket in the last 5 years. Further savings may also be offered to senior citizens.

Using only one insurance provider for all of your insurance coverage will save you money. Many providers offer discounts for having more than one type of coverage on your policy, such as combining your trucking and home owners insurance coverage.

You will save money on your policy if you choose to increase your deductibles. By raising the deductible from $100 to $500 your premium may go down by 10%. Raising it up to $1,000 could decrease your premium by as much as 25%.

It can be scary to think of being able to come up with the high amount of deductible that could save you the most on your policy. To put your mind at ease, create a savings account and make monthly deposits until the balance reaches your deductible amount and then leave it there for when needed.

Only file claims for damages that are over the deductible by quite an amount. If you file for every little thing, then your insurance company will greatly increase your premium rates.

Every company offers different discounts. While you are shopping around ask each agent what discount that they offer and do what you can to be able to qualify for all that are available.

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